Chapter 8:

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I wake slowly and rub my eyes, my back kinda hurts but I feel warm and comfortable. I open my eyes and notice I'm in my room, but it's even more wrecked than before. The curtains are half hanging on the window, my bed is ripped to shreds and upside down, and I'm on the floor again.

Well that explains why my back hurts, I hate sleeping on the ground. I'm also in Damon's arms, I groan shit we did it again.

" Ug my head," I groan pushing away from him slightly.

He wakes and groans also then squints at the light of the room, his arms loosen around me and I pull back the blankets that cover us. I groan, under the blankets were both fully naked.

I turn to Damon and glare at him,"This is what peer pressure does to people," I hiss.

He stares back confused," What?"

I gesture down to our bodies, his eyes widen.

I nod," All I remember from last night is that you were telling me to kiss you," I stand with the blanket, ignoring the pain in my head," This is what happens," I move my hands around then walk to my suit case annoyed.

I quickly dress then leave the room," Sara, wait!" Damon calls but I ignore him.

I stalk back into the main room and plop down on the couch and cross my arms, Stefan's there looking through his phone. He glances at me questioningly.

" Sara..."

I shake my head and glare at the wall with my eyes red, then Damon comes out of my room with pants on but no shirt.

Stefan looks at him then at me, he groans," You did it again didn't you?"

I grit my teeth," I guess we still had some Ruffilin in us because I don't remember what happened last night, but this morning made it obvious what," I hiss.

" Sara I didn't know what I was doing," Damon says.

I glare at him," You knew before you were kissing me, and you even said so what we won't remember this the next day," I hiss.

Stefan stands and glares at his brother," I should break your neck," he growls.

" No I should," I hiss standing also.

" Sara I'm sorry that I kissed you but I didn't mean for it to go that far," he apoligizes," It was the Ruffilin, and you also kissed me back."

I glare at him and walk past him, I walk over to Alaric who for some reason is asleep on the kitchen counter. I slap his cheek to wake him up then I look back at the brothers," Lets just get the money before we're killed," I say.

Stefan nods," But how?"

I spot a gambling book on the floor, I smile a plan forming in my head.

We walk down into a cosino, were all dressed nice ready to play our part. Even though we all argued against it Alaric is going to be the one that cheats at the gambling, Damon and me are his spotters while Stefan and his wife are playing so they can make a distraction later in the game so we can get away. I really didn't want to have to be next to Damon but I didn't have much of a choice, so I ignore whenever he tries to talk to me.

" Oh yea!!" We roar as Alaric keeps winning.

" He can't loose, he can't loose!" Damon yells excitedly.

I ruffle Alarics hair and kiss his cheek, I notice Damon glaring at me but he doesn't say anything. I'm also dressed I'm my short red dress while Damon is in his black suit and I have to admit that he looks pretty hot.

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