Chapter 2 - Confrontation

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In this minute I felt ecstatic, I was tripping on the adrenaline and the agonising need to feel alive that those who dare to feel it, need to feel it every minute of every day of their lives, I was excited but I was naive and didn't know what was going to happen later that evening.

The car ride was painfully slow and quiet but we got to the house by 2:46 and the guests were meant to arrive by 2:30, still over half of them were yet to turn up by the time we got there. Rhyka and I made ourselves comfortable in the dining room, we sat opposite each other and didn't have a clue on what to say.

'What're you doing?' she asked, trying to break the ice. I'd been vigorously tapping my phone screen for the past ten minutes straight without looking up even once.

'Someone's texting me.' I snapped, she could tell I was upset but I tried to cover it up.

'Who's this secret someone then,' she tried to lighten the mood and also get me to talk to her.

'My ex,' I frowned.

'What did you just say?' she was shocked, another notification comes through.

'She wants to apologise for cheating,' I began, my face became hot, I bit my bottom lip and my eyes began welling up with tears.

'Tell her it's over and you don't care about her anymore.' Rhyka suggested, what does she do in this situation?

I began to cry, soft tears fell onto the placemat under my elbows which kept my head up. She stood up from her chair quickly and wrapped her arms around me, holding me close to her chest. I buried my face in her arms and she could definitely feel me sobbing quietly and I was trying to catch my breath between sharp intervals of coughs, she knew I'd really need this.

'Hey, hey, hey it's okay I promise,' she hid her face in my mass of puffy hair and closed her eyes, bringing me in closer and holding my head in her hands, brushing her fingers through my dark, green curls of hair, the ends bounced up and caught underneath her face.

'I'm so sorry,' I muttered, quivering.

'You have nothing to be sorry about, you're a special person and you shouldn't let that waste of time put you down,' she assured me that I wasn't in the wrong.

It's not been short of a month since I found my now ex girlfriend with my best friend at the time. We'd never had a good relationship but it hurt me a lot and I've been diagnosed with depression because of it so having that on top of separation anxieties, anger management issues and mild autism isn't the best mix for when things get bad but, Rhyka understands. Rhyka sees me as a human with human feelings and she helps me so much. Nobody can understand me as much as she does and nobody can understand how much she's supported me, from the minute we met to that very second.
She makes me feel free.

I was shaking in her arms.

'It's okay my love,' She whispered to me, her voice muffled by having her face in my hair, 'Pass me the phone, I can write something for you.'

I gave her the phone and she started tapping, 'How does this sound?' She showed me the text, I still have it on my phone to this day, my ex never responded because we blocked her before she could start typing.

'Elaina, please do not message me anymore. I do not need your excuses and you've mistaken me for a puppet to play with and then discard. I know you were a bad influence from the beginning and I do not want any association with you or what you have done to me, I have moved on and you cannot apologise for what you have done now.'

'It's great, thank you so much,' I wipe my eyes with the palm of my hand and smile.

She lifted my head up, 'please don't cry, you're too pretty to cry.' her words floated around my head like stardust.

'let's go party,' she lifted me up by my arms like I was a ragdoll and dragged me off my chair to go outside where the rest of my family were.

'oh my god stop, mate, HELP!' I joked and screamed like I was being kidnapped

we made it outside, the sun was setting elegantly, loud music was blaring and my dad was at the barbecue cooking up some food for everybody.

'Madeline it's good to see you!' family surrounded me, Rhyka held my hand and we went towards two spare seats under the gazebo.

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