Part 7

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Natya opened her eyes. The wall of people shifted, and Lyuba squeezed her way through the reluctant crowd. She shyly stepped up to Natya, twisting her apron in her hands, her own wreath perched crooked over her dark curls. Bending down, she picked Natya's wreath off the grass and held it close to her heart, shifting bashfully. "I pledge my love and loyalty to Natya", she looked up into Natya's eyes, "Forever and after." Her face turned pink and her soft voice faltered. "I-if you'd want that, of course..."

Natya's eyes welled up with tears again. Lyuba... Short, dumpy Lyuba, who strained her dresses at the seams, who always stumbled over her words, whose wild curls would never stay their braid... Sweet, honest Lyuba, who bore the others' cruel teasing with a smile, who pressed beautiful patterns into gingerbread, who braided flowers into her hair, who was looking up at Natya now with the same sweetness and warmth that she did before. As if all the pounds in the world didn't matter. As if Natya were still the most beautiful girl in the village.

Natya nodded, laughing through her happy tears, "Of course I'd want that!" Lyuba's round little face broke into a radiant smile, a smile that put the summer sun to shame. Natya thought she must be the most adorable thing alive.

Standing up on tiptoe to reach Natya sitting high on her mountain of fat, Lyuba gently placed Natya's wreath back onto her head. She lingered for a moment, running her fingers through Natya's golden hair. She blushed and pulled her hand back, embarrassed at her own boldness. Natya threw her thick arms around her, lifting her off the ground, pulling her up on top of her soft voluminous belly. Lyuba let out a surprised giggle and nestled her soft cheek against Natya's, doing her best to hug as much of Natya as possible.

When they kissed, Natya thought Lyuba's lips were the sweetest thing she had ever tasted.

"Alright, that's enough, show's over, all of you get out of here now! Scat!" Yunitsa shooed the crowd away. Sensing the drama was over, most people readily dispersed. A few still stared at Natya in disgust or morbid curiosity, but Yunitsa's cane quickly chased off the stragglers. The celebrations started up again. The noise and chatter slowly returned.

Mama was mad enough to bite iron in half. "How could she-?! After everything I've told her-! I can't even-!" She stalked back and forth over the grass.

Baba kept feeding wool into her drop spindle, smiling at the two girls wrapped in each other's arms. "You wanted her to be married, and now she will be. Stop making such a fuss." Mama made a noise somewhere between a growl and a sob. She turned on her heel and stomped away.

Yunitsa shook her head at Mama's retreating back. "Unpleasant little thing, hasn't changed a bit since she was a child."

Baba's fingers did not slow as she spun her thread. "I'm surprised you decided to help, Yunitsa. Natya will be much happier now."

Yunitsa waved a hand dismissively. "Of course I had to help, the girl is my goddaughter after all."

"This was a very mean way to do it, though"

"I just had a little fun, that's not a crime!"

"I'm sure you were very cruel to her."

"I have to think of my image! It would be terrible for my reputation if people went around thinking I was niiiice, and heeeeelpful."

"Of course. That would be unthinkable."

"Don't start with me! Do you have any idea of what I would have to deal with if everyone came to me for every little thing? 'Ooohh, Yunitsa, my dolly is missing, help me find it!' 'Ooohh Yunitsa, I stubbed my toe, make it better!' I tell you, people these days-"

Baba let Yunitsa complain, turning her attention back to her granddaughter. She couldn't hear the two lovebirds from where she stood, but she could see well enough. Lyuba was searching her pockets, Natya watching curiously. Lyuba pulled out a paper-wrapped package, showing Natya the rows of pastilas inside. Natya's eyes widened, and she seemed to ask something. Lyuba giggled and nodded. She fed Natya one of the sweet, jammy squares. Natya chewed rapturously. She threw her arms around Lyuba, pulling her into another kiss.

Baba smiled. The trees had led Natya down the right path. Baba wrapped her finished thread around the spindle, and tucked it back into her sleeve.

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