Ms. Wednesday and Mr.9

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Luffy and Acrylic slump to the steel ground before Acrylic pops up with multiple knots on his head.

Acrylic: "Ow.... That didn't hurt at all." The tears streaming down his face would suggest otherwise but no one but Luffy was around to argue with him but...

Luffy: "Yeah yeah! Not one bit.." Luffy's eye was swollen and he had more lumps than Acrylic and was also crying. "We need to find the others soon."

Acrylic: "Yeah, maybe they didn't die a horrible death covered in whale stomach acid." Holding a hand to his chin, Acrylic envisions his fellow crewmates melting before nodding sagely. "We can hope they died painlessly." Luffy smacks Acrylic on the back of his head while screaming at him about not being so dark and depressing. And with that the whale they were in, whom Acrylic thought was part robot cause of all the metal, started leaning causing them to slide towards an unknown destination.

---Small Timeskip---

Nami: "Well, just who the hell are you guys?!" She asked pointedly at the two mysterious people who just showed up on their ship. The most worrying thing to the mysterious people, was the man with three swords who has not taken his hand off his swords once.

Miss Wednesday (Whispering): "Mr.9 These guys are pirates. We've gotta be careful."

Mr.9 (Also whispering): "Yes I know but they might be more understanding." From the giant door that lead to who knows where in the whale comes a loud voice that carried pretty.... Whale. (😏)

Old Man: "I WON'T LET YOU EVEN TOUCH LABOON ANYMORE THAN YOU ALREADY HAVE, NOT FOR AS LONG AS I LIVE YOU DAMNED ROGUES!" The two new people seemed alert but no one noticed besides a careful eye watching from the crow's nest.

Usopp: "Oh, it looks like he's back." The carefully watching eye from above noticed the two "rogues" stand up while picking up their heavy hitting weapons.

Miss Wednesday: "Fufufu...."

Mr. 9: "Oh but you see... We're in the whale now so that means..... IT'LL ONLY BE CHILD'S PLAY TO BLAST A HOLE IN THE WHALE'S STOMACH." And before most people could react, the two of them fire exploding shells at the whale's stomach but a speeding black blur catches and crushes the two shells before speeding towards the ship and slamming the two assaulters into the ship's floor causing them to be knocked out. Wings shrink down and retreat into... Acrylic's back.

Acrylic: "I knew something was fishy, but I'm still a bit fuzzy on the details, so for now these two will remain knocked out."

---Small Timeskip---

Old Man: "Ahh thank you pirate, I would've died before letting anything hurt Laboon but your help is most appreciated." Acrylic nods as an acceptance of thanks before sitting down. "Now, this whale is known as an island whale, normally found in the West Blue. It's also the largest species of whale in the world or so I'm told. These two rogues are from one of the nearby towns. Their goal is to hunt Laboon because the meat he can provide would feed their town for 2 or so years. Laboon ramming himself into the Red Line also has a reason, a long while ago, a certain group of pirates came down Reverse Mountain and a baby whale was following their ship, that whale was Laboon." Taking in a deep breath, as if remembering some sad memories, the Old Man shakes his head before continuing on with the story. "Normally, Island whales are supposed to swim in groups called pods. But it turns out these pirates were it's pod. Their ship was damaged and they stayed for a long while to fix it, I became good friends with them while they stayed here. And on the last day of their stay, the captain asked me something important. He asked me "Can you watch Laboon for 2 or 3 years? Once we've sailed around the world, we'll come back for Laboon no matter what." And Laboon even understood their intent and waited"

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