an Old foe shows

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[3rd Pov]

*When Ryker and Heather and Dagur came but after they left and Viggo was walking with Heather the guards told him his Partner was here*

Viggo: you see dear Heather  There comes a time where you would be a dangerous Hunter but what I have is also another partner in you could say a second leader beside me *then a Dragon roars that  sounded like a hunter falling as the dragon lands*

Viggo: you see dear Heather  There comes a time where you would be a dangerous Hunter but what I have is also another partner in you could say a second leader beside me *then a Dragon roars that  sounded like a hunter falling as the dragon lands*

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(The color for Velvets Dropplesounder is Black gray and silver a bit or you can keep the color and stuff)

Viggo: so how goes Business?

*However when Heather saw her she was shocked someone she or any of the riders haven't seen in 3 years*

Velvet: oh I've been fine there was some small things in the way but I dealt with them *she looked at Heather* well if it isn't Heather my dear you changed much since I last seen you *her dragon roared at heather* easy girl she isn't a threat at l...

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Velvet: oh I've been fine there was some small things in the way but I dealt with them *she looked at Heather* well if it isn't Heather my dear you changed much since I last seen you *her dragon roared at heather* easy girl she isn't a threat at least not yet anyways Viggo what seems to be the trouble *she got off her dragon as the dragon was beside her*

Viggo: you see Dear Velvet we have a Traitor among us the Dragon riders are a step ahead of us yet I have my suspicions either Ryker maybe Even Dagur

Velvet: oh Dagur my my two faces I haven't seen in a while but since I'm back I'm sure I can help but first if memory serves we need a flightmare

Heather: and I know where to find one

Viggo: excellent *Heather walks* I didn't know you knew her?

Velvet: it was one of my past things back then beyond the mist where I use to be ugh If it is those dragon riders then I may know who is our Traitor wouldn't you agree Screech *Screech looks at Heather with a growl as her dark Yellow eyes look at her* though should I bring Quickstrike then she'd be the perfect one to deal with this traitor?

Viggo: hmm a great idea be sure Screech follows behind her I have a feeling this will be a great thing indeed once we have the flightmare we shall take her in and hold her captive oh and do be careful my dear your still a dangerous Viking after all

Velvet: oh your compliments bore me Viggo let's just begin this plan of ours tomorrow I have a feeling we are gonna have some fun around her *she chuckles as she walks away with Screech*

*Where Heather was she flew to meet up with Hiccup and Astrid*

Heather: this is bad guys like real bad Viggo plan is to get a flightmare

Hiccup: ok well what else *she says worried about what else*

Heather: it's Velvet she's back *this shocked the two of them* what's worse is now she has a dragon

Astrid: a Dragon??

Hiccup: this is bad Velvet was trouble without one now she has one

*Whennthe plan was gonna happen Viggo and Velvet already knew as Heather turned around*

Heather: you knew?? *She said angry*

Viggo: the Imposter one might say that this is what you are so I wanted to give it to you as a farewell present

*She got mad and drew her Weapon but then Velvet smirked as Quickstrike her Deathstalker came down along with Screech as she gasp and She spits her Dark like Orange and reddish Amber at Heather but she ducks as she gets on windsheer and fly's*

Velvet: oh shame on you Heather I know you to well your not a Hunter but let's see how well you do *she said as Quickstrike roars as she got on*

 Viggo: I suggest worrying about the Flightmare my dear have Screech be ready to engage I have feeling  Hiccup will be happy to see you *he smirks*

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Viggo: I suggest worrying about the Flightmare my dear have Screech be ready to engage I have feeling  Hiccup will be happy to see you *he smirks*

Velve: oh believe me I think she'll be good to see *she flew as she soon came face to face with Hiccup and Astrid*

Hiccup: Velvet

Velvet: hiccup so glad to see you and your girlfriend to say you met Quickstrike right she's a Triple Stryke but she's a subspecies you could call a Deathstalker very Ruthless *she chuckles as Quickstrike roars and shoots fire as her and Hiccup were flying after each other but Velvet was more destructive yet Elegant and even clever with her dragon as the others came and surrounded her* my my your gang is all here such a annoying bunch

Snotlout: hey no one says that about me and hookfang *Hookfang flames up*

Astrid: your surrounded Velvet give it up

Velvet: oh you poor idiots you don't have me surrounded at all *she smirks as Quickstrike roars and fly's up and spins making 6 rings of fire and she spins making them turn into lines making everyone scatter* you see Hiccup your not the only new one with a set of tricks and thanks for the Flightmare this will give us a much big time thing *she flies off as she got away with the others the Dragon riders are worried that someone this dangerous came back and with dragons no less*

And that's the first chapter hope you enjoyed until next time^^

RACE TO THE EDGE: a Dangerous Dragon rider(Futa Oc x Mala)Where stories live. Discover now