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"Nobody finds their soul mate when they're ten. I mean, where's the fun in that, right?"
- sweet home Alabama

I woke up to a typical call from my best friend, Marjorie.

"HEY POOKIE! Ready for our first day of senior year?" I laugh. "Yes Marjorie" I state. "Doesn't seem like it, your lacking energy! WHERES YOUR ENERGY BESTIE!" She yells through the phone. "Marjorie I'm just tired you woke me up at 6:00 am." "BE GRATEFUL, I'm picking you up at 6:45, please don't be late!! Love ya!" She hangs up the phone.

I force myself to get out of bed and take a short,but nice, shower. I pick out an outfit and get dressed. I finish touching up my makeup.

Exactly at 6:45, I hear Marjorie honking her horn. I look at the window and there she is. I quickly get my bag and the book I'm reading good girl, bad blood. She keeps honking her horn.

I Rush out the door. "MARJORIE IM GOING" I yell. "Took you long enough pooks." For the rest of the ride we make plans and gossip.

As we pull up to the school building, I see the triplets van parked right next to us. Matt gets out the car first. He notices us and says "oh hey y/n! Marjorie hey! How you doing?" They continue they're conversation as they walk into the school building.

Nick and Chris come out next. "OMG Y/N! YOU LOOK SO GOOD!" Nick says. I laugh "Nick you acting like you didn't see me the whole summer! I live right next to you!

"Nick she looks the same-" Chris states. "Oh well thank you Chris for giving me sooo much confidence." I say sarcastically. "Well your welcome!" He says clearly wanting to piss me off. "Don't listen to him" Nick says.

The triplets and I have know each other since we were kids. We would always play around in each others front lawns. While Matt,Nick and I had a solid friendship. Chris always teased me. Since then, he became my biggest enemy. He would start random wars between us. Our first day of freshman year, he decided to pour a bucket of water on me before I got into my car. The next day I did the same.

I walk into the school, not far behind from Marjorie. I See Inez. Let's say me and Inez aren't on the greatest terms. She steals everything I have ever wanted. She definitely does it in propose.

I catch up to Marjorie. "Did you see Inez hair, she dyed it blonde." She says. "Yep I noticed" I say. "She looks so good tho!"

Marjorie's boyfriend, Joseph sneaks up behind her. They are absolutely the cutest. They remind me of pip and Ravi. I always wanted the love the writers write about. But if I can't have it, I'm so glad my Dorothea does.

"Omg! Hi my love!" She says hugging him. I smile, seeing her happy makes me happy. "I'm so glad we have first period together!" Joseph states. "I know-" the bell rings. "See you guys later?" "Yup! Love you! Your gonna do amazing sweetheart!" Marjorie says trying to make me less nervous! I head the opposite direction.

I had world history first period. I sit next to Amelie. She's the sweetest most kindest person ever! I also think she has a crush on Chris.

Amelie and I Talk the whole period, ignoring Mr lees boring lecture. The bell rings and we head out. Marjorie and Joseph meet me at the door.

We walk to our lockers. "Okay.. Y/N don't freak out.. please!" She says in a tone. "Omg what happened?!" I state "uh remember James- the London boy you were obsessed with for 4 years and when he moved away you cried for months? Yeah he's back in town and he's here-" she sounds out of breath. I was about to speak before she cut me out.

"Okay and DONT Freak out! He's next door neighbors with Inez and I heard they became very close this summer." She looks at me with a look yelling "please don't plan anything". "What no way-" before I could finish James is right next to me greeting Joseph.

Marjorie gives me a look. James looks at me. "Holy, wow is that really you y/n?" He states looking shocked. "Yup it's me" "looks like our little Y/N is all grown up" I feel butterflies in my stomach. Enchanted plays in my head. Please don't be in love with someone else..

I smile. This could be our meet cute! You know those cute moments you read in a romance novel, then next thing you know it your married and have 3 kids, 2 cats.

I was lost in thought looking at this perfect, London boy. My future husband. When all of a sudden I hear a agitating, graving voice, bumping into me. Any guesses who it is? Yup Chris ofc Chris ruined my meet cute. Enchanted stops playing.

"Seems like you finally catched up with James" that stupid little- "yup we did!" I force a smile. "As I was saying, Parker is throwing a party you all should come." He looks at everyone. "Yup we'll be there" Marjorie says.
"Great catch you all later? And Joseph see you at lacrosse practice" Joseph nods

"What was all that about?" Marjorie says as we walk into our classroom. "Nothing just catching up with an old pal you know!" I say as we sit down. "Yeah a ex crush of yours- Y/N what are you planning now? I know that Look of yours-" ugh she knows me too well. "Nothing.. I was just thinking, just maybe we can get super close and maybe he'll ask me to prom.!"

"Oh Y/N what are we gonna do with your hopeless romantic self.. you would've already been married if you noticed Chris.!" Here she goes again- "WHAT! , how many times have I told you, I HATE CHRIS! There's no love there!"

"Okay okay.. but don't come to me when you get your enemies to lovers trope with him.. do you not see the way he looks at you?!" She says giving me a look "nope! I am not doing this"

1051 words
A/N: THIS IS THE FIRST CHAPTER! Please stay tuned for the next chapter! I'll try to update daily! I can't wait to read y'all's comments! If you want to recommend anything feel free to! We didn't see much of Chris in this chapter but I swear we will in our next!

1051 wordsA/N: THIS IS THE FIRST CHAPTER! Please stay tuned for the next chapter! I'll try to update daily! I can't wait to read y'all's comments! If you want to recommend anything feel free to! We didn't see much of Chris in this chapter but I sw...

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