The Fading Applause

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"I'm the best clown there is. I jump on the circus rings, do a couple swings and back flip off on top of an elephant. I juggle on the elephant as it walks around the stadium. Then I jump off the elephant onto my unicycle, make a balloon animal and hand it off to a kid. The light in the kid's eyes and the applause from the crowd, it's addicting! I'm truly the best clown there is!" Thinks Joe the Clown. "Ta-dah!" Joe says as he finishes his performance with a backflip.

"Boo! You stink!" yells the crowd. Everyone begins throwing tomatoes at him. "Or at least that's how it used to be," whispers Joe to himself. "I used to be the best clown there was! From the 1940s to the 1960s, I was on top, but now in 1965, I'm not with the times. People are losing interest in circus clowns. They like new things like movies and technology. I guess it's about time I quit being a clown."

The curtains get closed, and Joe the Clown goes to the back. The boss comes into the room. "Come on, Joe! Don't quit now! You've been our best clown for 20 years! We don't give up on family. Come on, Joe, stick with it, and you'll find your way!" "Alright boss, I'll stick it out and see what I can do," replies Joe.

"I used to be with the times. My grandpa told me, 'Go get yourself a real job! Circus clown isn't a job! Become a welder or farmer like everyone else in your family!' 'You don't get it, gramps,' I'd say. 'Clown is the new hit career. You're just not with the time.' 'Ehhhh!' Gramps would yell with a raised fist."

Joe looks toward the stands as everyone is leaving. A kid pops up out of nowhere on a bike. "Haha!" yells the kid as he throws a tomato at him. "It'll happen to you too, kid," whispers Joe.

The next day, Joe goes back to practice a stunt. He's doing his favorite juggling on top of an elephant act. "Whoopee! Woo hoo! Hooray!" yells someone in the stands as they clap. "Who's there? I haven't had a visitor in years! What's going on, young man? What's your name? Also, what's with your face?" says Joe. "My name is Dave. I have Down syndrome; it's a developmental disorder," says the young man, Dave. "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't know!" says Joe. "It's fine. Most people don't. We don't have many rights, us disabled people. I get bullied at school. Teachers and students say I won't amount to nothing 'cause I'm not smart. They all judge me based on my looks, but there's one thing that gives me hope." "What's that?" replies Joe. "Your Circus show! Whenever I get back from class depressed, your show is on, and I decide to watch it. My favorite is seeing your act! The bright colors you wear, like the red and white. The extravagant tricks you do, like your backflips on rings. I love them because they're unique! And in the face of so many people not appreciating your performance, I'm glad you still show your uniqueness! I relate 'cause of my unique appearance. Everyone judges me. I want to be a unique clown like you when I grow up. Someone who can be proud of their uniqueness and give light to others," says Dave.

Joe replies, "Wow, kid. I love your heart. Tell you what, here are some free tickets to my next show. I hope to see you there. I'll have a special surprise for you."

Joe goes up to his boss and says, "Hey boss, I decided to keep going. There are still people out there that need the light of the clown, and if even 1 person benefits from it, I have a duty to be there. I know I'll find my way."

"That's the spirit, I believe in you," says the boss.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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