1. Galliard's Party

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The autumn air had brought a chill over the entire campus and the city of Mitras. Studies at the university had only resumed a few weeks prior, but the cold was unrelenting on this particular night.

It was a Saturday night, and that meant one thing: parties.

Your favorite playlist played at a low volume in the background, and the rays of the setting sun danced against the walls of your room, giving the space a warm glow.

You look at yourself in the mirror, pleased with the reflection staring back at you. You liked taking your time getting ready, much to the annoyance of some of your friends.

Their complaining didn't bother you, though, as you were a big believer in self-care. It was something that took you a long time to grasp the importance of in your "younger years ." Depression and anxiety were rough, but with the help of therapy, you worked through it for the most part. Or at least you had a grip on it and could function like a normal human being.

You never really understood why depression and anxiety had plagued you. You didn't have much to be sad about growing up. You never yearned for material things; you had friends throughout your school-age years. Your parents were as supportive as can be, and most importantly, they were in love.

You had always looked at your parents' relationship in envy. You could only hope to find something like they had one day.

They had an exciting love story, one you never tired of hearing. When you were a child, you only got bits and pieces of it, but as you got older and more mature, your mom told you all the missing parts.

Your parents had been hippies in the late '70s, and your mom had been hitchhiking her way across the country. That is when she met your dad. It was a chance encounter when he picked her up on the side of the highway. And that is where their story began. However, your mother was adamant that you yourself never hitchhiked. It was much too dangerous, and she was lucky someone had never harmed her during that period of her life.

They had never planned to have children, but you were another happy coincidence to them in the late '90s. Your addition to their lives overjoyed them. They may have been older than most first-time parents, but they had no trouble keeping up with you.

You smile at yourself in the mirror and silently say a few affirmations to yourself.

'You are beautiful.'

'Tonight will be great.'

'Nothing will go wrong tonight.'

A loud knock on the door pulled you from your thoughts.

"Hurry the hell up, Y/N!" It was Eren, of course. He needed more patience. Eren had been your friend for many years. He was a reliable guy, even if he did have a bit of a temper.

You turn your music off. "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming." You mutter loud enough for him to hear.

"Better be. The Uber is here." He replied, and you heard him shuffle away from your door.

Quickly giving yourself one last glance in the mirror and spritzing your favorite perfume on, you grab your purse and open the door to see your friends all standing there, apparently waiting on you.

"Well, it appears the princess is finally ready. Let's get out of here." Eren rolled his eyes with a smile on his face. You never take his little comments like those to heart. You knew it was all in good fun. And you had no trouble dishing it back when needed.

Tonight you were piling into the car with Eren, his girlfriend and your friend Mikasa, Sasha, another friend of yours and your roommate, and her almost-boyfriend Niccolo.

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