Colors- Shijima

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Romantic/Established relationship



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"Mmmno. That's not your color."

You sighed as Mei dismissed you once again, you knew she was only teasing- sort of. You turned back around to face her, your demeanour shifting from upbeat to tired as you huffed.

"Fine then." You watched her return her attention back to her sketchbook before disappearing behind the privacy screen you'd hastily set up in her tower. You shrugged off the bland overalls you'd presented to her and tossed it back in the shopping bag.

You'd just bought a ton of clothes and you wanted to get Mei's opinion on them. However, you forgot how blunt she could be.

After a minute or so you emerged from behind it again, this time donning a light cyan hat, similar to one of a postmaster's. It had cute little golden embroidered details along the edge of the brim that contrasted the blue nicely.

You took a few steps towards Mei, watching as she tore her eyes from her work to you, eyeing you up and down for a few seconds before speaking.

"Sorry, what changed?"

"Seriously?" You sighed, pointing to the hat you'd bought. "The hat? Do you like it?"

"Oh." Mei glanced up at the hat. "Yeah, that's cute. I think it suits you nicely."

Your eyes widened slightly as you smiled. "Really? You think so?"

"Mhm, it goes well with your eyes," she complimented, a soft smile spreading across her face as she set her pencil down on her sketchbook and stood up. She took a few steps towards you and brushed a bit of hair from your face before straightening the hat a bit. "Blue is definitely your color."

You smiled brightly as your face grew warmer. "Thanks! I got 'cause it reminded me of your eyes, to be honest. I thought we'd sorta match, in a way, y'know?" You chuckled afterwards and took the hat off, setting it to the side.

Mei was quiet for moment, and you didn't miss the red hue to her face, before she cleared her throat and smiled. "Aha, I guess we sorta do now." And with that, she moved the hat up to press a quick gentle kiss to your forehead and temples, before turning around and striding right back to her canvas, leaving you with bright red cheeks and wide eyes.

• Short chapter sorry
• Took way too long to make but whatever

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