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'~Akaza dono ~~'

"it's great it's him " Akaza said in mind

'~akaza dono ~ who is this'
'He none of your business! '

Akaza said while grabbing rengoku hand and going to his room .

'who is that? ' rengoku ask  Akaza
'that's douma and I really hate him,
Don't you ever go near that bitch okay? '

Rengoku nodded.

Meanwhile with Tanjiro and inosuke

Inosuke pov:

I was showing my ~lover ~ Tanjiro around infinity castle, he seemed amazed or rather confuse of how this
Place look.

'who that? ' tanjiro said pointing his finger at nakime.

'that nakime, she the one that controls infinity castle with her biwa' I answered to my lover

'enough with let's go back, nakime'

Then we're in my room which I never goes in because I already have a cave back ,I slowly walk up behind Tanjiro and put one of my arm in his waist while the other at his member

'ino- suke ,......stop! I don't like it'

He said to me while remove my hand that at his member

'it's only matter of time until your heat cycle come and you will be
Begged me to fuck you so hard'

I said with a smirked in my face to him. I then grab the bowl of blood as give it to him, he seems confused, I like that face .

'what are you waiting for? Go on and drink the blood so we can be together for the rest of eternity ! '

'no inosuke! '

'huh? '

'I don't want to become a demon inosuke '

'oh........ I see...... Then I guess I just have to do it by force then


Before he could even finish the sentence I grabbed his arm and move either closer to to the bowl.

'drink it! '
'no! '
'don't you want my love?! '
'I don't want your love if you're going to force me'
He throw the blood on to the grounf

'it's not love when you force someone to date you for your own sake inosuke !'

He then storm of to my bedroom, maybe I did go too far this time? But it's only because I want him to be with me forever! '

'what a drama huh' a voice said to my back which I know who it was, it was Daki, uppermoon 6

'how long have you been listening to our whole conversation? '

'when I hear you guys screaming '

'listen I may not be in relationships but my advice is give him some space for couple if minutes and then apologize to him'

'fine I do that '

'What going on' Akaza said while walking to us
'he and his lover had a little fight'
'maybe you should buy something he like, that what I did when I fuck my lover so hard he start bleeding as an apology '

'I surprised you found a mate with that look'

'and I not surprised that no one want to be your mate with that look'

'hey! '

'maybe I could buy something but idk what he like and dislike, what if I buy something that he don't like, he probably hate me even more! '

'don't worry I gonna do him what he Like' Daki said

'why not I ask him, I his mate after all'

'he clearly doesn't want to talk to you'

She goes to where Tanjiro is,few moment with a sad face, she gave the list of thing he likes.

'perfect ' I said

'inosuke ' Daki said

'yeah? '

'I ask what he dislikes and we'll um. .

'well what? '

'he doesn't like you in the same way you like him'

After hearing that eyes widened open after hearing that, I wrapped my fist and goes into the room, the other look concerned but I do not care anymore.
I enter the room and walk up to him

'what do you want? '

After hearing no response he looked at me and I grabbed his neck

'ino-su-ke can't breathe '

'like I care! '

'nakime!! '

I screamed, then we're in my cave, I then threw him at my futon and start to torn his clothes...

'inosuke please stop!'..

I did not listen and continue until he completely naked, then I start kissing and bite his neck so hard few drop coming out of it, but I simply don't care.i stop biting his neck and kisses him on the lips didn't care if he let me or not. I broke the kiss

'I try to be nice to you but it seems you want a hard way huh? Fine! '

'wha-' aghh!! '
I put my member in him and thrust it into him, did not let him adjust it because I done being nice to him, he keep begging me to stop but I didn't listen to him....... At least not anymore.

A blood coming out if him so I took some of the blood and drink it, a few thrust later he finally cum, but I still continue it. Few moments later I finally cum in him.

I then dragged him to a secret water place where it can teleport to a village there how I eat people, I then threw him in the ground with his haori.

'good luck you fucking bitch ' I said before storm off

Tanjiro pov: (finally)

I was on the ground, processing what just happen, why he is like that all of sudden, did I do something wrong?

I hear walking and I look up to see an old man.

'are you okay child, where is your house'

'I not from here, someone torn my clothes I left me here.... '

'oh I sorry to hear that at least you still have your haori, come on I bring you to my home since you are not from here'

'thank you I really appreciate it'

He then me bring me to my house and give me spare clothes, (the clothes were like senjuro cloth but the shirt is green and the pants is still black.)

For the past couple day it was good, the old man name was Kenzo and he has s grandson ,his name is haruki and he is a jerk, he always complaining about stuff even though he didn't even do anything.

I also learned that he is from Tokyo a place where the there so many building and threesome sort of thing called vehicle where people in there goes to location faster.

I wasn't feeling well so I decide to go to the doctor,...... I did not expect the new that about being told to me.
.....i am..... Pregnant... And I know who the other father is.

9 nine months later I give birth to a boy, his hair is colour red and at the end of hair he has "his" blue hair, the eyes colour were also "him".

Old man Kenzo has passed away from an illness so it only left me, my son that name kei, and haruki to be honest he don't do anything I the one that cook, clean,  and do chores,
One night he come back drunk from the drink, but tonight he more drunk than usual.

forbidden love between demon and a demon slayer Where stories live. Discover now