Part 1(only part)

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Cold breeze wrapped my exposed skin, joyfully tousling my slightly unruly hair.

One dipped off my fingertips and it sent shivers down my spine.  I felt the volt of enjoyment run through my veins brought by the mix of coldness and comfort of the sea.

A huge figure wrapped its arm around my small waist. His masculine perfume enveloped my whole body, intensifying my overall feeling.

"The only remedy I can offer to you, my Dear, Jera." Gun whispered softly. 

This was more than enough.

After many years of us choosing a different path,  I caught myself peacefully watching this sea's  serenity with his presence.

I smiled at him warmly. His light brown eyes turned into gold hue after the sun caressed him.  I put my palm over his cheek. Squeezing it.

"This is beyond compare." The only words I can utter.

We stayed longer in that position. Our eyes locked intently on each other. Staying in this position I don't know how long.  I traced every part of his face with my fingertips  until I reached  his  thin plumpy  lips. I lick my lips. I gulped then looked away.

But we know both what we want. His hand touched my chin so our eyes meet again.  Those golden hue eyes begging me for something.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. Stretch my tiptoes, attempting to give him a quick kiss bounty of admiration. But i stopped midway.

"Can I?" I asked weakly.

He nodded slowly and bit his lips.

High school days, during recess time, in the dashing long line of buyers in the canteen. I'm all ears for him—cursing loudly to everyone who has the guts to cut a line in front of me.

That was the beginning...

Our after-school meetups become frequent. No car gas and lack of fare became his excuse for our long walks. Eating street foods became part of our afternoon habit.Long rides on his motorcycle became my addiction. He became my sweet dopamine like my favorite chocolate named Hershey's.

Back when we were together, Gun used to surprise me with boxes full of Hershey's chocolate and letters. My quirky sides were exposed yet I didn't mind because pretending was not my job when I'm with him.

Small things really matter, huh?

But, not everything stays as it is. The unforeseen circumstances, the unspoken standard from my parents hindered our relationship. They set a dream for me to fulfill their own desires. The masquerade of faking was worn again.

Ending was the worst part. Gun is my solace—-as comforting as fluffy as Hershey's chocolate.

My world once painted in the sweetness of chocolate, returned to being black and white. It stopped moving for me, the way I stopped consuming my favorite food.

But today, my world has restarted. It's fast, furious and alive! The act I put on was ended by the piece of chocolate called him.

Masquerade of Sweet Yesterday Where stories live. Discover now