-ˋˏ ༻one༺ ˎˊ-

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Paris had never looked so beautiful.

All different types of flowers lie outside the most well known bakery in Paris, covering it like a blanket. Banners were tied to lampposts, blowing with the breeze as though they had no worries. Outside and inside Francios Dupaint High school were little pop up stalls and markets, each selling something Ladybug themed. Ladybug dolls, Ladybug cookies, Ladybug merch. It was all truly miraculous.

Music played in the distance, and as your legs carried you further and further down the streets of Paris, it became more beautiful. LED's were wrapped around the Eiffel Tower, the park had it's own festival and fair things taking place, raising money for the well known sincere family across the road. 

The door made it's usual chime and the smell of pasteries and choquettes swam through the air, escaping the bakery and spreading throughout the streets of Paris. Inside the bakery was a swarm of people, arriving with flowers, gifts, money, anything you can think of. Pictures and posters were everywhere around the bakery. She walked through the crowd of people. heading for the blue door that would take her upstairs. The smell of the bakery became lost as she shut the door behind her, the smell becoming the perfect smell of a clean corridoor and clean carperts.

She walked up the stairs, her legs gliding her with ease to the little apartment upstairs. She didn't need to knock. This place was like her second home. She opened the door and got washed by memories as she walked into the solitude living room. Everything came back to her. The spot on the sofa they'd always sit on when they gamed, the pictures on the wall, the kitchen where her best friend had once stolen her phone to remake a video for her because she didn't want to disappoint.

She was so amazing. Alya sat down in her spot on the sofa, putting her legs up and lying their for a second. It was quiet and peaceful up here. Not a sound to be heard. She was about to try have a nap when the trappdoor opened and she saw a pair of feet walking down the stairs. This girl had the same bluebell eyes and blueberry hair as her former best friend had. Alya's eyed widened and her heart filled with hope.

When the girl came down the stairs, lifting the box onto the counter she knew it wasn't Marinette. She'd mistaken her own best friend for her long distance cousin. How big of a fool was she?

"Emica?" Alya looked at her, confusion on her face, "What are you doing here?" She watched as Emica turned round, a small giggle escaping her mouth.

"That's an odd thing to ask me on the anniversary AND birthday of my dead cousin, don't you think?" Emica smiled at her, and Alya let a faint laugh out.

"Yeah, you're right. I guess I'm just used to being alone here, I used to come here everyday after school and now..." Alya looked at the floor, holding back tears, "She may not be here anymore but I still come here and visit. That's what she would've wanted." She smiled into the distance, looking at the sky above. 

Emica gave her a sympathetic smile and threw herself down next to her. "Can you believe it's been a month? You'd think all of this is too much for a month, not for a year I suppose, but the fact it's her 16th birthday too.." She looked down at a locket bracelet that held a picture of her beautiful cousin in, smiling at it. A tear dropped onto it. "At least we don't have to worry about being akumatized anymore, it's all clear. We can show our true emotions!" Emica tried encouraging her to see the bright side.

"For what's it worth, I think I would've rather still be living in fear of getting akumatized then not having my best friend here. It wouldn't matter if we were akumatized, she'd save us just like she always did." Alya paused, head in her knees, "I wish we could've saved her." 

Emica lifted Alya's head up and bgean running a finger along her cheek, "We have to remember how she died. None of it was our fault. It all happened in an attempt to save Adrien's father. I mean it was a stupid crazy thing to do because he deserved everything, but it's Marinette. She'd always been the one with the biggest heart, no matter what you'd done she would never see any one dead." Alya looked at her and smiled. 

"Come on, let's go to the festival hm?" She grabbed Alya's hand and pulled her up, walking down the stairs, hands still interlocked. When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Emica released hold of her hand a hugged her.

"You know, Marinette would be so proud of the girl you are today," Alya's eyes began flooding with those words, "She loved you, Al. She well and truly did." Her hand slid down from her shoulder to her arm, and she walked out the door, heading to the festival. Alya began walking after her, and that's when was greeted with her friends.

They all gave Alya the biggest hug, the warmth bouncing off each individual and floating through the sky. Alya released herself from the hug, looking at them. Nino kissed her cheek and grabbed her hand. 

"Let's go check the market out, eh?" He smiled at her and Alya nodded back. The big group all walked in together. Emica watched from outside the park gates, smiling as she watched Alya being taken away, her friends cheering her up.

She wished she could have done that.


Adrien laid flat in bed, face burried in the pillows and earbuds in. He could hear the music, the cheering and the laughing from the outside. His room was dark, blocking out any light trying to sneak in. There was a knock at his door, and in came Emelie.

Her heart ached as she stared at her son. They'd not had a proper conversation ever since she'd come back. All she longed for was to hold her son close, just like she used to. But now wasn't the time. She knew he wasn't ready yet, and one day he would be. But she wasn't letting him lock himself in his room like this any longer.

She sat on the edge of the bed, and Adrien got a whiff of her perfume as it spreaded towards him. He lifted his head off the pillow. His eyes were red and puffy, his face drowned in his tears, and his hair was a mess. Emelie began stroking her son's forehead. 

"Look at you baby," Emelie pulled him in for a hug, "Please don't keep abusing yourself like this, that's not what she would've wanted you to do." Adrien quickly pulled out of the hug, staring at the floor. 

"Can we not... talk about her?" Adrien snapped, throwing himself flat on his back on the bed. The room was a tip. Everything was just a mess. Rubbish all over the floor, curtains closed, gone off smells, sick bags, water that'd gone warm.

"Why don't you join your friends at school? I know they've been expecting you." Emelie walked up to the window, opening the curtains, allowing light to come crashing through. Adrien covered his eyes. His mother pleaded him to go outside. In the end he gave in and he got changed for the first time in ages. He fixed his hair for the first time in ages, he brushed his teeth and freshned himself up. Part of him felt normal again.

Looking at himself in the mirror, he noticed a grin trailing across his face. He had an idea. He was going to that party, but only at the downfall of himself. He suddenly sprinted to the door, the sunlight from outside coating and covering him. Emelie waved him off as he jumped into the car, Hank at the wheel getting ready to set off.

The car ride there was silent, as usual. He could smell the leather from the seats and it was flying right up his nose. He wound the window down and stuck his head out, like a dog. All sorts of lush smells hit him, and he felt comforted. He felt happy.

Nooroo peeked out from his blazer at the smell of sausage rolls from a nearby stall. Adrien shoved him back into his pocket with his index finger, and darted at him. They pulled up outside the school, and Adrien snuck into the locker room and then to the toilets. So many memories hit him. His hand began shaking as he locked the door firmly.

"Nice to see you back on your feet, Adrien." Plagg smiled, "Does this mean we can forget about the whole-" 

"I'll never give up on Marinette," He whispered to Plagg, and stopped as he heard all sorts of laughter and giggles from outside. Happiness made his stomach churn. 

"No one should be allowed to be happy today!" He yelled, hands becoming fists as he punched the toilet stall, queasy and out of breath. The brooch under his scarf lit up and he smiled to himself. Meanwhile, Plagg trembled with fear of what was to come next.

"What a better way to introduce myself then to introduce myself with myself." He gasped, happy at the idea and thought of a plan. He hadn't been thinking straight for weeks. Plagg and Nooroo looked at him confused. "Come on guys, I'm gonna go out there." 

"The lady of my dreams" SEQUEL TO 'LAST DAY AU' ✍🏼Where stories live. Discover now