Into Hallownest

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The people were gathering around the center of their village for a festival. Of course, Y/N wasn't invited. She had always been an outcast, no one ever wanted her around. The people have said that the only thing she was good for was taking up space.

Y/N sat near a tree and hid her face in her knees. She didn't want to let it get to her, but she couldn't help but feel lonely. The only thing she wanted was to be loved, and she knew that dream would never come true in this village.

Y/N lifted her head to switch to a more comfortable resting position. Then her gaze focused on the wall. It was the wall that everyone was told never to cross. The boundary of the village.

Then, for a split-second, Y/N got a crazy idea. To cross the boundaries.

No.. no no no. It's way too dangerous! I could die.. Y/N thought to herself.

Then she turned to look at the people who were having fun in the middle of town.

I guess it's not like they would even notice I was gone, in fact, they'd probably prefer it that way...

Y/N looked back at the wall. It was a dark gray, and was only about 3 ft tall. It was a height that was very easy to climb over, but everyone knew not to cross it, so Y/N supposed it was only there to remind people of where the boundaries were.

Y/N stood up and walked over to it. She rested her hand on the top of its rough surface and looked out, beyond the boundaries. It was dark, with many trees and various other plants. From what the eye could see, it didn't seem scary or dangerous. But of course, she couldn't make the assumption that nothing was out there.

Y/N glanced back at the people of the village before looking back at the outside. Then she took in a deep breath.

Whatever's out there, it's got to be better than this. Maybe I'll even find the one for me...

One leg after the other, Y/N lifted herself over the wall. As her feet made contact with the ground, she looked back at the village she was about to leave behind. The ground was the same as the ground in the village, but the feeling of being on the outside felt much different.

She turned back around, facing the unknown, and began to walk forward. With each step, adrenaline began to pump through her veins. She had never been this excited before. Her life had usually consisted of just wandering around, finding food, and receiving disgusted looks from the people in the village. But now, she was free. Her pace began to quicken, so much so, that eventually she was running.

Time began to blur as she continued to run. Eventually, she had to slow down to catch her breath. The more she went, the fewer trees there were. Instead, there were many different plants that Y/N was unable to name. She sat down beside some of them and looked back from where she came. The village was nowhere in view.

Once Y/N was rested, she stood back up onto her feet and continued to walk. Looking in front of her she could see dim lights in the distance.

That must be a place that's safe to stay. Y/N thought.

As Y/N approached the lights, she was beginning to see dome-shaped buildings. There seemed to be about 4 buildings in total, with a bench between some of them. The light was cast by a series of decorative lamp posts, which lit up the small cluster of buildings.

Y/N looked around, amazed that people lived in places like this, apart from the village she was used to. Y/N looked to her left and saw a well, located just outside the small town. She began to walk in that direction, but then heard a voice from behind her, "Hello there,"

Startled, Y/N turned around quickly to see who had spoken to her. There was an old man with a kind expression, standing near the bench she had seen.

"Oh.. um, hello." Y/N returned the greeting and walked over to him. She felt slightly ashamed she hadn't seen him right away.

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