<Chapter 13>

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Right after she left, Matt said the most outrageous thing to tell someone. "So Y/n you're over to babysit Chris for two days right?" Matt says giggling. "WHAT. Nick's in charge!" I say. "Alright enough of jokes. We need to sort that trip out." Nick says restless. "Okay." Matt says following Nick. "Hey? Can I leave my things in your room?" I ask Chris who hasn't said a word. He nods his head yes.

I bring my bag up and Chris follows. I set my bag on his bed and unzip it. "Here, thanks for borrowing them." I tell Chris handing over the clothes of his I wore. He takes it from my hand and places it on his bed and sits down.

"Hey, are you alright? You haven't said anything. Is something bothering you?" I ask Chris furrowing my eyebrows. "I'm fine. It's just that." He sighs. "Hey, It's alright." I say as he places his head in his hands.

"Chris what's wrong?" I ask again this time rubbing his back a little. "I'm fine Y/n. Matt just says stupid shit when playing video games and it's annoying." Chris says looking at me now. "Chris." I say rolling my eyes. "All this over a video game?" I ask. He lets out a small laugh. I punch him in the shoulder and run downstairs. "HEY!" I hear Chris yell.

I run downstairs and hide next to Nick on the couch. "What the fu-" Nick says being cut off by Chris. Chris jumps on top of Nick and Me. "HOLY FUCK." Nick says pushing Chris as Matt stand there recording and laughing. "CHRIS GET OFF!" I yell. Nick manages to push Chris onto the floor. He lays there laughing like and idiot. "What were you THinkiNg?" Matt says and his voice cracks. I let out a laugh and and Chris joins.

"Guys focus!" Nick says paranoid. "Nick you're such a boring person." Chris says. "Wow! Thank you for pointing that out." Nick replies him. Matt and I start laughing so much that I end up lying on the floor with tears in my  eyes. "Okay, okay." I say standing up and wiping away the tears.

"Ok here, I have a notebook and a pen." Nick says handing it to me. I start writing the important stuff. "Alright so Florida. Were going to Orlando." Nick says. "Okay." I say writing it down. "I heard there's this really sick go-kart place there." Chris says. "Looks like were gunna go go-kart-ing." Matt says. We plan out the other stuff like the tickets, the hotel and others.

"Alright. That's it." Matt says clapping his hands. "One more thing. Are we buying our own tickets?" Nick asks. "Ill buy Y/n hers." Chris says. "Oh no, it's fine. I'll pay for my own ticket." I tell him. "No. No...let me buy it." Chris says. I shake my head no. "No way am I going to let you do that." I tell him. "Enough. Just let Chris buy your ticket Y/n. After all, you're the one who came up with this trip idea." Nick says smiling. "It's sorted out then." Chris says smiling. I roll my eyes in return. 

"NICK. NICK. NICK." Chris starts panicking. "WHAT CHRIS." Nick says worried. "IT'S TUESDAY!." Chris yells back. "Wait so what? It's Tuesday?" Matt says just as confused as I am. "WE FORGOT TO FILM, JACKASS." Chris yells once more. 

"We should film with Y/n today." Nick says much more calmer now. "Yeah that's fine with me." Chris says. "Alright then, let's get going." Matt says. We all go to the car and head to McDonald's. We get our orders and start filming. "Today we have a guest!" Matt says to the camera. "Hi!" I say popping my head out from the back. "Anything you want to tell the people?" Chris says turning and looking at me. "Uhm, sorry for being inactive lately, but there's something exciting coming soon. Pinky promise" I say laughing. "Pinky promise? That's crazy." Chris says. After that we start the video.

"Today, we're going to be asking each other questions." Nick says with a wide smile on his face. "Alright so Y/n, do you have or have you ever had a pet?" Nick asks. "Uh yeah, I got a Grey Parrot for one of my birthdays but it sadly passed like a year ago." I tell Nick still thinking. "Oh and uhm I used to have rabbits but it has a funny story. So when I was around 8 or 9, my dad promised me to get rabbits cos like it was a Christmas present y'know. So like I was excited and stuff, went to PETCO, got myself two rabbits. Here's the thing. Y'know how hey label the breed, name, gender and stuff, well yeah. I bought two which were supposedly males because you know females can get uh pregnant and stuff like that." I say laughing and the others laugh along.

"So I got these two rabbits, went home. Time skip to around a month or so. I was at school, and they announced my name in the uhm PA thing. I took my bag, went to the principal's office and see my parents. Without any discussion they took me home and I see like blood. Well not much but yeah there was blood." At this point Nick was cringing and covering his ears while Chris and Matt were laughing at Nick. "Turns the fuck out one of them were a female and she had babies. And she ate them after." I say laughing. "OH MY FUCK?!" Nick screams. "I can't." Chris says hitting his legs while laughing. "Holy shit bro." Matt says trying his very best not to laugh but failing.

"Alright next, Chris. What was your first impression on Y/n." Matt asks Chris. "Well, when I first got to know Y/n, I thought she was funny, pretty, smart and all the good things." Chris says. "Dude that's so sweet." I tell Chris. He smiles at me in return. We ask each other a few more questions and end the video. We drove back and we were all tired. I offered to help Nick edit the video and he agreed. We spent hours editing, showed Matt and Chris and then uploaded it. After that I took a shower in Nick's toilet and put on some pajamas. 

I went downstairs and joined the triplets on the couch. We watched the Elf film for the millionth time and went to bed.

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