chapter 2

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what is that?
I think...
...Someones calling me...

".....dus....Tidus, can you hear me?"
I didn't want to get up. Rest felt so good. No more swimming. I'd die if i swam one more lap.
....oh great. Now they're  shaking me. Why couldn't they just leave me alone?
"Cut it out!" I mumbled, swatting them away. They stopped.
Silence, finally.....
"Boy, i pulled your idiotic butt outta the water, and that's how you thank me?"
Wait, that voice. My eyes shot open.
"Old man?!"
"Maybe I'll just throw your pathetic ass back in there. That'll teach you something."
Jecht-my father-gave me a devilish grin. With his unruly hair and untamed personality, he seemed as wild as usual. But what the hell was he doing here?
"Don't even think about it Jecht. That's child abuse."
I spun around.
"Auron, you too?" I said, giving the x-gaurdian a glance over. He was still the same auron, from black sunglasses to his red robes. "What are you doing here?!"
"I'm dead. What's your excuse?"
" what are you talking about? We're in besaid aren't we?" Auron turned back towards Jecht. "Okay. Throw him back in."
I spun around. I could've sworn I'd been swimming through Besaid's waters all these days, but..."are those...pyreflies?" The rainbow lights floated on the gentle breeze like feathers. I looked at the ground. Instead of sand i found myself standing in a large garden of flowers. This was definitely not Besaid.
"Oh look. He's catching on."
Jecht sighed. "I swear he gets this side from his mother."
I shook my head. This didn't make any sense. "How come i'm alive...or dead. Or whatever the heck i am?"
Jecht cocked his head to the side. "Didn't that little aeon kid come get you?"
"Well, yeah but-"
"Then don't worry that pretty little head of yours over the details. Ain't bein' alive good enough for ya kid?" He tried to pat my head and I knocked his hand off. I didn't know what i felt about him being here. And he was being too carefree anyway.
"But why am i here? I thought i was getting a second chance. So why aren't i alive in the real world?"
Jecht slapped my head.
"Oww, what's wrong with you?" I gripped the back of it. He didn't even hold back.
"Are you really that stupid?!" He yelled. "This is your second chance, dummy! If it wasn't for that funny lookin' kid in the cloak your ass woud be nuthin' but smoke and mirrors."
I glowered. 10 years later and i was still being pushed arond by him.
"It's not like i don't appreciate it or anything, i just don't understand what's going on here." I pushed Jecht back. "So lay off, old man."
Jecht stumbled for a second but quickly righted himself. He was pissed.
"Now wait a second boy, what the hell do you think you're doin' try'na pick a fight with me?"
Auron stepped in between us. "While i hate to break up this touching father and son moment, i think there are a few things i need to explain here." Jecht and both glanced at each other before backing away. The look he gave me seemed to say 'we'll finish this later'. Bring it, i thought back.
Auron turned to me.
"Tidus, Jecht is right. This is your second chance."
I blanched. "But I'm still dead?! What kind of second chance is this?"
"No Tidus. You never were dead. You didn't exist. The fact that you're here means your that much closer to becoming real."
"B-but-" i sighed. But what? I should be happy. I'm not just some dream anymore. I can exist, even if it is on the farplain. It's not everything, but it's something. But.....
But Yuna...
"However," Auron continued. "The fact remains that you didn't die. You were simply non-existant. If we can find out how to make a dream become reality, then you can return to Spira."
"So i could go back? That's all there is to it?!"
Jecht readied his hand to pop me again, but thought better of it and stopped.
"What do you mean, 'thats all there is to it'?! You think you gotta all the answers in that thick ass head of yours, boy?"
"No but it couldn't be any harder than defeating sin, right? This sounds like a walk in the park to me."
Jecht mumbled something about 'wise little brat' before Auron continued.
"Yes Tidus. All we have to do is travel through the entire farplain, find a single aeon among an infinite amount of spirits, and turn Pinocchio into a real boy, which is something that's never been done outside of fairytales. Sounds so easy, we should stop for icecream along the way."
My jaw dropped. "Wait a sec', you have a sense of humor?" Auron groaned.
Jecht slapped his shoulder. "Well well well. Didn't know you had it in you." Auron grimaced. "You're getting off subject. No one has ever turned dream into reality. If it were that easy, Dream Zanarkand would still be around today."
He looked at me. "Being in the farplain may take you a step closer to returning to Spira, but keep in mind that is a very small step. The rest of the journey is up to you."
So a slight chance, huh. A slight chance was better than no chance at all. If there was a way for me to return to spira, i'd find it. "I'm ready."
He nodded. "Good. Bahumut's asked me to gaurd you on your journey, so I'll be accompanying you."
I smirked. "So i guess your back in the guardian business again, huh Auron."
"I guess so." He started walking and me and jecht scrambled to follow.
He turned to me. "It'll be.....nice to be traveling with you again. I look forward it, Tidus."
I smiled. "Me too. Just don't hold me back.".
Jecht threw his arm around Auron. " hey now Auron, don't forget about me. We've got alot of catching up to do."
Auron sighed.
"I'd ask god to kill me but that seems a little redundant at this point, now doesn't it?" Jecht raised an eyebrow.
"Oh hardy-har-har. So aurons got jokes now, does he?"
"That wasn't a joke."
I watched from behind as Auron and my old man bickered.
The gaurdian i respected and the father i thought i'd lost ten years ago. It was a strange sight. But i'd be lying if i said i didn't feel a twinge in my heart, watching them. Maybe this journey wouldn't be easy, but it would be a good one.
I chased after them.

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