Chapter 2

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The sun starts to fully rise on the Atlantic coast. The light spreads through the windows of Hewitt's home, hitting his eyelid. An indication that it was time for him to get up. He opened his eyes, lying face up on his bed, still wearing the same clothes he was yesterday. He got up and immediately went to his dresser to change. His style was mostly plain. Blue jeans and khakis with fully blank colored t-shirts. Today he decided to go with a yellow t-shirt ligand some t-brown khakis. As he finished changing his phone started to go off. He looked around frantically, forgetting where he put it before realizing it was still in his pants pocket from yesterday. He looked through his hamper before finding his Nokia 5510 and quickly pulling it out, answering.

"Hello?" answered Hewitt. "Hey what's up man. Let me guess... you just woke up?" From the upbeat voice and early morning enthusiasm Hewitt could immediately tell it was Alex.

"Yes I did. What's up Alex?"

"Was wondering if you could head down to my personal office and talk about a few things real quick." Hewitt looked at himself in the mirror above his dresser, adjusting his shirt. Then looking at his clock which read 9:33. "What time do you want me over?"

"Oh if you could make it by like ten thirty-ish that would be most suitable sir."

"I'll be there." Hewitt hung up the phone and placed it in his pocket before Alex could say another word. He took a deep sigh. It was about a fifteen minute drive there from his house so head about forty minutes to spare. He walked out of his room and down the hall, immediately spotting his beer bottle still sitting on the coffee table right next to his camera.

Hewitt headed towards the table to pick it up but noticed a gentleman through his window blinds. He looked out through his window out at the shore and spotted Fisherman Bob sitting on a foldable chair with a fishing pole in one hand. On his other hand he was chugging a can of miller light. What an ideal morning drink, Hewitt thought to himself. Fisherman Bob took one last chug and then disposed of it by throwing it out in the ocean. Well how respectful. What a pleasant neighbor that man is.

Hewitt turned back around and grabbed the beer bottle. He disposed of it in his trash can, opposed to just throwing it out at sea. Hewitt then grabbed a slice of bread from his covert and put it in the toaster. He took out some spreadable butter from his fridge and waited diligently for the toast. It dispersed from the toaster and he buttered it before placing it in his mouth. He then put the butter back in the fridge and walked to the TV to turn it on. It immediately showed the news which was Hewitt's ideal thing to watch. He never watched anything else. He sat back and watched the news anchor talk about some rainy upcoming weather expected in a few days. That was something Hewitt never liked to hear. He never considered it his ideal type of photography.

As the time began to tick down to 10:15 Hewitt shut off the TV and left his home. He entered his vehicle which was a 1989 black Honda Accord, a handy-down from his father. It was an eleven year old model but ran just fine. Pulling out of the driveway with the windows down listening to the radio was all he really needed to start his day.

Once Hewitt got out onto the main road he observed the peaceful beauty of his town. It was a great combination of both city and nature. And he could never help but think how nice his living area truly was. Aside from how friendly the town was, there were never really any real issues. A major crime just never seemed to happen in these parts. An incident as small as a kid stealing candy from Dan's shop would even make the local news. Moving out here after college really was the best decision I ever made, he thought. five years ago. I can't believe college was five years ago!

As he drew closer and closer to Alex's office he took small glances at his clock. It appeared as though he was going to reach his destination in the nick of time. He pulled into the almost empty parking lot of the wooden brick home that read "Ivory Associates" at the front entrance. Hewitt exited the vehicle and ran towards the door so he wouldn't be considered late. He knocked at the front door and it only took a few seconds for a blonde-haired, clean fit gentleman to answer. "Welcome!" Said Alex. Hewitt nodded his head in return. "Well come on in!"

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