Part 1

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NOTES: So this is a side story of Rock Bottom. It starts in the past, but we will get into the five years later at some point. Beware of the tws. Also, English isn't my native language 🙁


Billy is in a pub alone at night, trying to distract himself from his bad temper. He was supposed to spend the day with Sidney, but her fucking mother decided to take her away to visit a stupid family friend. He is sure Maureen has something against him. She doesn't like him and his relationship with Sidney, and the worst of it is that he doesn't fucking knows why.

"Sir" the waitress says, leaving a glass of beer in front of him. "This is from the guy in table 9" she explains, a bit red. "He says it's a gift" and then she walks away.

Billy looks down at the beer, then back at the girl, frowning a little as he reaches for the pint and raises it to his mouth. After taking a long drink from it, he sets it back down on the table, eyes on the girl the whole time.

"Who's the guy in table nine? Is he cute?"

Billy looks around and his gaze comes across with the look of a man in glasses with a smirk on his face, lifting his own glass at him.

He returns the smirk, then takes another long drink of the beer, a cocky smirk on his face.

"If he's that confident, he must be pretty sure of himself. I wonder what his plan is...."

The man takes a sip without taking his eyes away from Billy any moment. He has short brown hair and clear eyes. It's not easy to distinguish if they're blue or green from afar.

Billy takes another drink of his pint, still studying the man across the room with a look of amusement. After a few moments, he speaks up, a smug grin on his face.

" So is he going to come over here and flirt me up himself, or do you think he's too scared?"

"I wouldn't know," the waitress murmurs. "If you ignore him enough he'll have to come, i suppose" she walks away to attend to other clients.

He watches the girl leave, then raises his eyebrows as he returns his attention to the man in the glasses, taking yet another drink of his beer.

"Well hey, if he wants my attention so much, I guess I better oblige him."

Billy stands up from his seat at the bar, a smirk still painted across his face as he crosses the room towards the man, raising an eyebrow as he approaches him, the two of them at last face to face.

"So you think I'm cute, do you? Is that why you bought me this beer?"

The man's smirk spreads into a wide smile, as he studies Billy's body from head to toe in an intent way. He motions to the seat in front of him and says:

"You're more than cute, I would say."

Billy sits down opposite the man, still keeping the cocky smirk on his face as he looks him up and down and nods once, clearly enjoying the attention being on him.

" Well, you certainly know how to flatter a guy. What's your name?"

The man chuckles a little bit at him and then he says "Roman" with a smile.

Billy smiles back, still not taking his eyes off him as he continues to study his face curiously. There's something about him that really catches his attention, that he can't quite seem to place, and it's starting to make him feel... interested. He likes him, and that's the bottom line. The feeling of interest is so intense, he feels heat spread from his chest and up to his neck and ears, his skin beginning to flush as his heart beats wildly in his chest. He's genuinely interested in this Roman, and he definitely lets him know it.

Fall into the trap (Scream 1996 - Roman/Billy)Where stories live. Discover now