Chapter 2-introductions

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"Yes, my queen, but I must ask, why was Jack being attacked?" Mackenzie asked.
"It's a long story, but I'll make it short," Bluey said as she spun her chair around and opened the jewelry box behind her. She spun her chair around again with something in her hand. "This is the artifact, a jewel so powerful whoever controls it controls the universe."
Mackenzie looked closer at the jewel. The jewel was colored red and was about the size of blueys hand. She then put the jewel back in the jewelry box. "But that's enough of that. What is your class?" Bluey asked
"My class?" Mackenzie asked
"You know, what are you? Mage,rogue,squire, etcetera"
Mackenzie thought about it for a second, "I guess I'll be a mage."
"Great, go see pretzel at his shop he'll give you the necessary equipment. You need to be a mage, and while you're down there, feel free to visit the other members of the kingdom."

Mackenzie walked out of the room and went downstairs.

As he walked down, he heard 2 familiar voices bickering with each other
"It's your turn to watch Polly rusty, I need to go get more herbs for my shop,"
"But I have important work to do that I'm getting paid for, can't you just watch Polly for one more day indy?"
Mackenzie decided to leave them alone and entered the kitchen, where he saw a small golden retriever training with his hammer
"Hey, chucky, how's it going?" Mackenzie asked
"Not good, Mackenzie. I'm trying to track down my traitorous brother and bring him to justice." chucky responded
"okay well I have to go see Pretzel now, so catch up with you later,"

Mackenzie walked into the backyard, where there was a small shop in the middle of the yard.
He walked over to the front where pretzel was behind the counter
"Hey, pretzel, bluey said I needed to come here to get the necessary equipment to become a mage."
"We'll then you've come to the right place," pretzel responded
Pretzel handed Mackenzie a book with the simple title: "spell book"
Mackenzie opened the book and was confused
"Pretzel, why are there only 2 spells written in the book?"
"Your levels not high enough," pretzel responded
"My what?" Mackenzie asked confusingly
"Your level, this is an RPG. If you want more spells, you have to earn them by gaining EXP, which you can gain from doing quests. Now go see Queen bluey again she has a quest for you to do"

Mackenzie walked back into the house and upstairs to blueys throne room

"That's more like it now, I need you to do something for me. Our alchemist and our rogue haven't reported to the fort today. I need you to go to their homes and find out why. Here are their addresses, and when you find them, give them these notes, " bluey said as she handed Mackenzie three pieces of paper

Mackenzie left the throne room and left blueys house and started walking towards the alchemists' house

As he was walking through the park, he was ambushed by the dog that Jack was fighting earlier
"Well well well what do we have here? The dog that saved batlandias blacksmith.
You're coming with me!"
The dog charged at Mackenzie with his fist in the air. Mackenzie closed his eyes and braced for the punch, but it never came he opened his eyes again to see the dog back where he was
"We'll take your turn," the dog said
"My what?" Mackenzie asked
"Attack me, use your weapon."
Mackenzie realized they were playing this like a turn based RPG, and it was his turn to attack.
He pulled out his spell book and read one of the spells out loud
The other dog staggered back and fell to the floor
He then got back on his feet
"This isn't over border collie. I will be back,"
He then ran off

Mackenzie continued walking until he reached the alchemists house.
He knocked on the door where a beagle with glasses answered
"Hey Mackenzie, what's up?"
Mackenzie handed her the note bluey told him to give her
"Batlandia needs me? I'm sorry but I can't play right now, I need to do my chores and I need to pick up fruits from the market for my mom"
"What if I went for you?" Mackenzie asked
"That's a great idea." she handed Mackenzie 50 dollars and a list
"Go to the markets and pick up these items for me, and then I can come play with you guys,"

With the list in hand, Mackenzie started walking to the market

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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