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~¤Souls p.o.v¤~
" Hey Kid do you know how to cook? " I had to ask because it was my turn to cook. " Yes do you need anything in particular. " Yes Kid knew how to cook. " Um no I just need to learn. " Please don't ask please don't ask. " Why do you need to cook? " He just asked it. " I need to learn because its my turn to cook for me and Maka and before you freak out let me explain."

~¤At the party 2 days ago¤~
" Sure whats the deal? " Maka then backed up she then put both of her arms behind her back. " The deal is you live with me for a month and if you really dislike me you can leave after 1 month k? " This would be so uncool living with a girl ugg she would also be a like " clean this clean that Maka chop " . Then again. " Would I get my own room? " she stared at me then kept staring. " Of course. " She then kept looking at me with her eyes sparkling. " Sure but I don't want rumor to spread that would ruin my reputation of being cool so keep quiet. " She clapoed her hands and said " Sure " and smiled again she just had to do that.

~¤Later that day/night time¤~
I already boxed everything and I already told Tsubaki and Black Star but I didn't tell them who I was going to move in with. " Well have a nice time with your room mate. " I just looked at her.. " My roommate isn't that cool. " I said that as I carried out the last box. It was already late it was was cool how the night sky could be so bright. I was not ready to be some what welcomed by some food and the smell of it I couldn't belive. There was a girl who looked like Maka........wait WAIT!!THATS MAKA WITH A APRON ON!! Honestly she looked cute.....I just said something so uncool." Oi Maka where are my things. " I think I opened the door to quietly cause I heard " Ouch! " I ran over to her danm it this was my fault. Her finger was bleeding and I saw a knife of course now I know I have to open the door louder. " Hey are you ok? " She just smiled at me with her her finger stil bleeding. " Yeah it's ok I'm used to this. " She went to open a cabinet below her. There was a little case and inside I saw a whole bunch of things that are from bandages to medicine. My body moved on its own and I grabbbed her finger and put it in my mouth. Her blood was sweet and warm , I went and grabbed some antibiotics and a bandage after I disenfected her cut and put a bandage on her finger I looked up to see she was blushing so much. This could get fun but of course shes flat chested " Y-Your r-room is next to the bathroom y-your s-stuff is in there. " I was shocked but wait where did she sleep I mean she couldn't just give me her room and wait or does she sleep on the couch." Wait where is your room? "She looked at me and just went back to cooking whatever.
I went to where she told me to go and there was a nice room. It had yellow walls a nice bed with a white pillow and the bed with blue sheeting. There was a nice little drawer that was also blue and a desk. Lastly it had a window with a red curtain this was actually not a bad room and I liked it. It reminded me of my old room but wait how did she know I quickly ran out the door to see Maka already plated food on the table they I startes to soak up the food smell. I see Maka turn around and giggle I have the idea its me since I'm the only one here. I fall and slowly drag my body to the table and the food was a pasta when I took the first bite it was sooooo good. Cooking is so uncool but I can make an exception especially when its this good. " Maka this is so good even for a flat chested girl. " She just kept eating but I noticed the blush. She then got up and picked up my plate and hers when we were finished to go wash them. I could get used to living like this I , then went to my room I didn't know why I was the one who got such a lucky chance to live with her of all people. Then again it all started with that bet and know I'm greatful she may be flat chested but a great and nice cook.

~¤Present time with kid¤~
" What the heck she let you live with her and cooked for you now I will have to talk to her but um soul......one question? " I just looked at him like is their anything to ask. " Sure. " He looked at me seriously. " Didn't you say that you guys living together would be a secret so why would you tell me one of your friends? " I looked at him why did I tell him he just kept looking at me and then *ring ring* He went to the side then answered. He just kept smiling and quickly ran over to me " Sorry Soul I have to go to a study meeting. " A study meeting today a Saturday thats weird but thats his life so why not. " Thats so uncool dude a study meeting on a Saturday but go. " He quickly smiled at me. " Thanks Soul. " I've never seen him so happy I wonder who its with while I was thinking I saw that I was the only one left there. I just walked to my apartment it was about 15 minutes away from this park and why pollute the world more.

As I entered the house I heard giggling from one person and one person only. Maka. " Hey Maka I'm home! " She didn't come to me just who is she with. I went over to see none other than Kid. Wait what about his study meeting or wait is this his study meeting or better said study date. " Oh hi Soul. " She just waved to me and then went back to Kid. Whats the matter with her shes living in the same roof as me a cool guy and she just brushed me off like if I were a fly. Well this isn't good so I decided to go into my room but I still haf this burning feeling in my chest what is this do I hate her this much yet if I did why haven't I moved out. Why do I feel like this its so uncool.

Well my kittens I shall try to update more without certain interruptions. I hope your still enjoying this book. Bye kittens.

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