The girl who let it all sink in

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As time pass by, the girl who pretends to be okay, starts admitting she's not.

She told her trusted circle her untold stories.

Her what if's, could'ves and should haves began.

She wonders what if her decision was right.
She wonders what she could've done better.
She wonders what she should've fixed.

With a heavy heart, her thoughts are still filled with him.

She wonders how he's fighting his inner battle. She wonders how he's doing.
She wonders how he's holding himself up.
She wonders if he's getting through the day better than her.
She wonders if he takes care of himself.
She wonders if he's eating.
She wonders if he drinks water.
She wonders if he manages to get up from bed when he wakes up.
She wonders if he sleeps well...or does he cry himself to sleep.
She wonders if he have someone to talk to.
She wonders if his inner battle got worse because of her.
She wonders how life is going for him.
She wonders if he's breathing properly.
She wonders if.......he's alive?

She found herself in her own inner battle.

She tries to stop herself from checking on him.
She try her hardest.
She finds her feet still leading to him.
She turns around when she realizes.
She still cry for him.
She still longs for him.
She realizes her plans for them can't happen anymore.
She felt that he's not by her side anymore.
She realizes he won't come back for her.

She who lost motivation.
She who lost her spark.

Began to shut herself off the world.

She stares at nothing while she reflects.

She let the emotions sink in.
She let her thoughts sink in.
She let the lessons sink in.
She let the reality sink in.

and yet.

She still cries for them.

"I'm sorry, I love you. Thank you. We got this."

and so, only time will heal them.

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