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ꫀﺃᧁꫝꪻ | "ꪀ꠸ᧁꫝꪻ ꪻꫀ᥅᥅ꪮ᥅ᦓ"

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ꫀﺃᧁꫝꪻ | "ꪀ꠸ᧁꫝꪻ ꪻꫀ᥅᥅ꪮ᥅ᦓ"

A.N. - If anyone remembers this episode of Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated, that is absolutely awesome, and I hope you enjoy my version of "Night Terrors." Okay thank you, on with the story~

"Jungkook, did we take the joke too far?" Y/n whispers when no one is listening. "Did we do too much? Maybe we shouldn't have simulated that fake haunting, it was too much. You did too much."

However, Jungkook brings his head up as his eyes start to turn an eerie shade of red. "...That wasn't me."

"What do you mean that wasn't you?!" Y/n hisses, whisper-shouting.

Jungkook panics. "It wasn't me!" He shakes his head again. "I didn't do any of that, and neither did Taehyung, which means that a real spirit answered our séance."

"Was it a bad one?" Y/n asks him worriedly, beginning to worry about what they had truly just done. They may have unleashed a holy evil entity upon the world for all she knew. 

"I don't know," Jungkook answers honestly, "but I'm going to find out. I promise, if it is an evil spirit cast out of the Netherworld looking to return that we accidentally summoned, I won't let the entity hurt you. I promise, bunny." Y/n gives Jungkook an anxious but honest smile at this. "You should probably sleepover tonight," he then suggests, "Just to be safe. It is Friday the 13th, so if we did summon a demon by accident, I don't want it following you back to your world. Actually," he turns back to the group now, "I think it would be safer if all of you spent the night here, just to be safe. We don't know what we just summoned," he says, though even Jungkook was worried. What was supposed to be a fun Halloween prank went miserably wrong, and it was not supposed to go this way. No one was actually supposed to answer when Taehyung and Jungkook called out to it! It was just supposed to teach Taylor a lesson to be nicer!!

"Jungkook is right," Taehyung agrees, "Demons are tricky creatures, so we don't want to take a chance."

"Yeah, okay," Lisa nods

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"Yeah, okay," Lisa nods. "We'll stay." She grabs Hoseok's hand. "Won't we?"

He nods too, even agreeing that if their safety was at stake, they'd better stay. Taehyung and Jungkook also seemed to know what they were doing, so Hoseok took that as an answer that with his friends around he would be safe. However, only one member of that group did not seem to agree with everyone else...

ꫝꪮ᥅᥅ꪮ᥅ﺃꪖ • ꠹꠹ᛕWhere stories live. Discover now