Imperial cadets react to the future

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Main cast for this part:

1) Salazar Covraii- future Grand General of the imperial armed forces, warlord of the empire, Grand Moff of the Outer Rim, king of Akkadia, commander of Cobra underworld organization and emperor of Cobra, successor state to the Galactic Empire

2) Priscilla Roth- future head of the Imperial Security Bureau and imperial warlord after Battle of Endor. First wife of Salazar Covraii and one of the four queens of the Cobra Empire

3) Gary Strave- future stormtrooper captain, died around 7 BBY to the Vong

4) Vilem Kyse- future tie interceptor pilot, later squadron leader and commander in chief of Cobra's tie fighter corps. Died around 10-11 ABY, the Battle of Byss

5) Brandon Kosvo- future commodore of the imperial navy, later promoted to admiral after Yavin

6) Eleena Theth- future lieutenant of an imperial cruiser

7) Rosemary Hitchens- future agent of the ISB

8) Elizabeth 'Liz' Karcers- future tie pilot

            -the imperial academy-

''Honestly, Sal, your people scare me.'' Gary said to his best friend, Salazar Covraii after reading a history book about Akkadia. ''You are most likely going to be an officer and there's a big chance I have to serve under you. You might get us into trouble with war crimes, Sal. I'm not kidding.''

''You worry too much, Gary. Focus on your studies first.'' Salazar replied, ignoring Gary's concern.

Gary Strave sighed at his best friend telling him to study again. He grabbed the data pad to look into the important notes and he sat on something solid on the chair. It was a cube of sorts and soon, a blue portal opened and they were sucked into a different place.

(the commandant's office)

''Cadet Kyse, when I told you to bring me your data pad, you brought a data pad but not one that is your's.'' the strict commandant said to the cadet. ''Who in the blue heck is 'Bruv Kobo' anyways?'' the commandant asked and pointed to the name written in permanent marker on the back of the data pad.

'Okay, Vilem, just play dumb.' Kyse thought, calming himself and then replied. ''It's... uh... my nickname, sir.'' he answered. 'Not that dumb!'

The commandant's eyes were twitching and his mouth was shaking. His emotions were mixed: urge to burst into laughter and anger being the main. ''I understand what a nickname is, cadet Kyse!'' the commandant shouted right in front of Kyse's face. ''And this is the future of the empire.'' he muttered to himself and went to his desk. As he went through in search of his own data pad, the commandant accidentally pressed a blue cube and Kyse, along with cadet Brandon Kosvo in another room, were teleported elsewhere.

(with the female cadets)

Cadet Eleena Theth knew that her fellow cadet, Priscilla Roth, liked cadet Salazar Covraii. Which is why she enjoyed teasing her so much. Now was as good as any other oppurtunity. ''Psst, watch this.'' Eleena whispered to fellow cadet Liz.

''Another of your, 'let's tease Prisca because she likes Sal and the guy doesn't know how to interact properly' thinh again, Eleena?'' cadet Liz asked though she already knew the answer to that.

Then cadet Eleena spoke at just the right volume. ''You know, yesterday I snuck around the academy and saw Gary Strave along with Salazar Covraii taking a bath. Boy, those two guys sure are good looking.''

''Knowing you, you'd probably do that in real life.'' Liz replied.

''Who knows if I really did?'' cadet Eleena asked in a tone that more or less confirmed she did indeed do it. Cadet Liz was making an expression like that of a fish and cadet Priscilla Roth proceeded to strangle Eleena again. ''Arg- not the strangle!''

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