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*beep beep beep* the heart monitor beeped
in rhythm with my heart, the constant sound serving as a reminder of my fragile and finite existence.
"Im Luca kaneshiro, others may see me as young and full of potential  but to me...i'm stuck in my own personal hell. With the sickness eating away at my own body and my immature mind struggling to understand, why this is happening to me.
Luca is consumed by a sense of hopelessness and despair. This feeling is only magnified by the fact that he is still a student, and therefore has to deal with the pressures of school on top of his illness.
He heard his parents arguing about his medical bills outside of his room.

Father: we've done everything we could to help Luca, but the medical bills are too high. We can't afford to keep him in the hospital any longer.

Mama kaneshiro: we can't just give up on him now! He's our son and we have to do whatever it takes to save his life!.

Father: we've cant just give up on him now????? We have already taken out a second mortgage on the house  and even sold the car. The bank won't lend us anymore money!

Mama kaneshiro: we have to atleast try! Is his life not worth the cost? I cant believe you! How can you say that, when your own son is laying here, suffering because we can't afford his needs? I'm ashamed of you, honestly. We've saved up all these years for a rainy day, and it looks like today is that rainy day.. And what is your solution? To just give up and not fight for our son, Our own flesh and blood? Are you that much of a coward?

Luca sat in his hospital bed, eyes tearing up as he watched his parents argue. He felt helpless and defeated, Torn between the desire to help and the knowledge that he can't. The pain  in his body only adds to the agony he feel in his heart. All he wants to do is to go home, to be able to hug his parents and tell them everything will be alright, but he know that things will get better after what? Months? Years? ...... If he were healthier, he could get a job and help contribute to the family finances. As it stood, he felt frustrated.

Luca's phone vibrated on the bedside table, causing him to flinch slightly. He reached over and picked up the phone, curious about who was trying to reach him. Upon reading the text message, his eyes widened in disbelief: it was from his classmate, Shu Yamino.
The message read: "Hi Luca, how are you feeling today? I hope you're doing okay. I heard about your illness and wanted to check in on you. Please let me know if there's anything me and the boys can do to help:))!"
Luca, touched by the caring message from his classmate, wrote back quickly: "Hi Shu, thanks for thinking of me. I'm feeling pretty weak today, but I'm doing my best to stay positive. Don't worry about me, I know I'll get better soon. Thanks for the support. Take care of yourselves guys!." He pressed send with a bittersweet smile on his face.

A few days later, Luca is lying in his hospital bed, looking out the window and letting his thoughts drift. A sense of peace and quite fills the room, in contrast to the chaotic and chaotic  atmosphere from every problem Luca has been facing. However, Luca's peaceful moment is soon interrupted when his phone rang with a familiar notification sound. He picks up with the phone to see that he has a new text message from Shu Yamino, who has been a constant source of support and encouragement throughout his illness. Luca reads the text:

"Hey Luca, I just wanted to let you know that i'm coming to visit you at the hospital this afternoon!.🍌:)"

Luca's face brighten up reading Shu's message.
For a while Luca is in his hospital room, reading a book when there is a knock on the door. He lays down his book and gets up to answer, thinking it might be a nurse or his parents. However, when he opens the door, he is greeted by none other than his classmate, Shu Yamino, Surprised and slightly embarrassed to see him, Luca smiles broadly and hugs him warmly. Shu is equally pleased to see him, and the two share a special moment together.

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