Roommate Roulette

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Kirishima flinched as someone's weight knocked against his back, spilling their drink down the neck of his shirt.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" a woman with a bob of short blonde hair and a thin silk dress slurred with a thick New York accent. He turned to look at her as she staggered backwards with a dumb grin and Kirishima reached an arm out to stabilize her. She peered at his shirt and exhaled dramatically, "Oh, look at your shirt! God, I always do this. Let me get you some napkins." she tutted to herself before walking away to some corner of the apartment he shared with Bakugo.

Kirishima sighed and looked down at his shirt soaked with alcohol. By the smell of it, neat tequila. 'Jesus,' he thought.

In the background, he heard a crowd of roaring laughter and looked up to see Bakugo who smiled triumphantly above a board game and boasted his win to the group of men around him. He wore a loose red button-down shirt with the top two buttons undone, a silver chain and black pants that complimented his slim waist. Kirishima noted a particularly attractive-looking woman who stared intently at Bakugo's lips as he talked, lust in her eyes and a smirk on her face.

Kirishima scoffed but he couldn't quite figure out why this bothered him. It was a feeling that curled tight in his gut and made his face go sour. The girl let out a high-pitched giggle at Bakugo's laugh and she leaned into him with the force of it, placing a hand on his thigh. Bakugo didn't so much as look at her as he shook her hand off and continued talking. Kirishima snorted, hiding his grin behind a napkin.

His operation was at least going well, Kirishima thought.

It had been Monday when the agency both he and Bakugo worked under called them in for an apparently 'vital operation.' Their agency's desperately sleep-deprived director, Zashitasu, informed them they gathered word of a new drug-smuggling cartel they believe has connections to the resurgence of Trigger.

Trigger, Kirishima knew, was an infamous drug that magnified a quirk's powers and naturally became an invaluable commodity for villains and criminal gangs. It was proving to be a huge problem for Hero industries. Just a few weeks ago Bakugo had to be taken to the hospital after an encounter with a gang of triggered-up villains. Despite the villains being amateurs, the abundance of their supercharged quirks proved to be difficult. Thankfully, he didn't sustain any serious injuries, just a few nasty gashes on his arm from one of the villains' quirks. Bakugo had flat-out refused to go to the hospital until Kirishima all but dragged him there. ("Bakugo Katsuki, I swear to god one day you'll get an infection and die, and then I'll have to kill you myself!" "You fucking dumbass, what do you even mean!?")

Similar to how the Meta Liberation Army depended on heroes with an established network of connections and influence, Zashitasu believed this cartel was using Pro-Hero's power to further the spread of the drug. Because Bakugo and Kirishima are high in rankings and have a significant amount of influence themselves, Zashitasu believed it would be worthwhile for them to go 'undercover', per se. Still as themselves, their task was to set up trade with the high society members the agency had flagged to be involved.

"That's so fucking stupid!" Bakugo had said, predictably. "What's the point of us doing it, when surely there are heroes that want to go that are more suited! We've got better things to do than sit around all day with a bunch of people who may or may not be useful to us. Hell, we could just bring them all in and interrogate them, and be done with it, simple as that!"

Kirishima held back a chuckle as Zashitasu sighed.

"With all due respect sir, Bakugo has a point. I understand the need for heroes to play as business partners and weed out corruption, but why us specifically?" Kirishima asked.

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