Family Advice

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[Leia Solo has joined the chat]
[Han Solo has joined the chat]
[Luke Skywalker has joined the chat]
[Anakin Skywalker has joined the chat]
Leia Solo: Are you guys excited about our marriage and baby?
Luke Skywalker and Anakin Skywalker: Sure...
Han Solo: Come on! This is supposed to be happy!
Leia Solo: Yea! And you guys are supposed to support us!
Luke Skywalker: We are happy!
Anakin Skywalker: And we support you both very much!
Leia Solo: Can you guys believe it? We're going to be parents!
Han Solo: On that thought, I feel old...
Anakin Skywalker: You feel old??? Think about me! I'm going to be a grandfather!
Luke Skywalker: Oh my force! I'm going to be an uncle...
Leia Solo: See? We're all one big happy family!
Luke Skywalker: Man, I wish I had a wife...or at least a girlfriend...
Anakin Skywalker: Do you want me to give you some advice?
Luke Skywalker: Uh...
Anakin Skywalker: Make sure you never force choke your future girlfriend or wife.
Han Solo: What the...
Luke Skywalker: Um...okay...but I don't really know why I would do that in the first place...
Anakin Skywalker: Same.
Han Solo: ???
Leia Solo: Wait, why is that advice? Isn't that pretty self-explanatory?
Anakin Skywalker: It's a long story...*sigh*

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