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pennywise thrust his elongated nose into the air with a twisted, gloating grin. "I've been looking for this trash for a while, you know. You aren't going to hide it away for a week like I am, you're going to take it back to Pennywise now, and he'll get it out of you."

His grin fell into a sneer. "No!" He lifted a sharpened pair of scissors into the air. "So be it."Thomas's face turned bright red as his heart pounded. Pennywise ran the scissors along his skin, over his skin, slicing it off and leaving behind a large bald spot."No!" Thomas grabbed the scissors from Pennywise's hands and shoved him hard. "What have you done?""Nothing. You can't stop the blood, you can't stop the gas, but you can stop the trash!" Pennywise wrapped his lips around the bloodied part of Thomas's face and sucked it in.The trash tossed Pennywise into the air, then smashed him into the nearest wall. Thomas stepped away from Pennywise, unable to look at him any longer. He gripped the scissors tightly, looking straight down at his skin. He couldn't look up.Dorothy spotted Thomas and started to run over, but Pennywise had his back to her and was fighting with the trash. She knelt down in front of Thomas, gently nudging him with her foot."Are you alright?"Thomas nodded slowly, looking up at his bloodied face."Oh." She put a hand on his shoulder. "So it's just about time then." She stood up, her arms folded across her chest."So long, kid.""Bye."Dorothy started to walk away, but she stopped. She turned to face Pennywise and kept her eyes locked on him. "Goodbye, Uncle Pennywise."He looked down at the corner of the wall where Thomas and his knife had been before they disappeared. "Yeah." He made a slight noise of acknowledgement, then turned his head, looking at her with his smile. "See you on the other side, Dorothy."Dorothy didn't turn around. "See ya on the other side, Uncle Pennywise."Pennywise tried to make his way out, but the trash closed in on him. He started to run into them, but stopped. He looked up at the tall woman in a dress. "Go!""I can't go!"Pennywise slowly reached up and slithered away. The trash slammed into one another, blocking the exit.Pennywise felt the urge to go, to find something new to suck blood from, but something inside him told him to stop. A part of him knew that he had to let this girl be.The trash surrounded him, waving a mop and yelling angrily. It tore him to pieces, tossing him into the air and raining him down. He caught one and slammed it into the back of a pink-haired girl who spun to face him. She got in a solid punch to Pennywise's gut, but it wasn't enough to make him fall. The pink-haired girl lost her footing and fell onto her face, her bangs covering her face.Pennywise raised his foot high above his head, preparing to kick her again, but the trash pushed him out of the way and ran up the girl's legs. They stomped on her, beating her into the ground, until she couldn't breathe and lay still.Pennywise looked down at the girl, who lay covered in blood and unconscious. He couldn't stand seeing the blood anymore. He stood up and turned his head. The tall woman had disappeared into thin air.The girl's friends were screaming and panicking, trying to get the trash off their friend. Pennywise walked over to a trashcan and started to back away. They were going to kill him, if they didn't kill him already.And suddenly, he felt someone behind him. "Hey."Pennywise turned around and looked up at a boy. He had a few cuts and was covered in blood. He'd been at the pool earlier, but had gotten out before anyone could see him."Thanks," Pennywise muttered, looking away.The boy smiled and walked over to Pennywise. "C'mon. You can come with me.""No."The boy nodded and took hold of Pennywise's arm. "Alright."They walked a few feet away from the girl and her friends and Pennywise walked slowly to the boy, looking down at his shirt. He's going to rip it."Where you're going?" The boy asked.Pennywise ignored the boy. "Why not?""You don't want to." The boy turned and looked at the girl and her friends. They were frantically looking for her. "You don't want to go with me.""What?"The boy pointed at the tall woman and they started running. Pennywise didn't look back.Pennywise turned to the boy. "You don't believe me?""No.""Fine."The boy slapped his hand down on Pennywise's chest.Pennywise grabbed the boy by the neck and slammed him into a wall. "Maybe you believe in your actions. You wouldn't have done that to me, right?""Well, it was part of the plan," the boy said, shrugging.Pennywise glared at him. "Shut up."The boy gasped and Pennywise grabbed his wrist and twisted it, forcing his wrist so it was against his head. "Answer me."The boy struggled to pull his wrist away, but Pennywise's grip was too tight. The boy looked around and kicked at the wall as hard as he could, trying to dislodge his wrist. Pennywise grabbed his head and slammed it into the wall, a snap of cracking bone almost causing him to scream.Pennywise grabbed the boy's head and slammed his mouth into the wall, just like he had to the girl. He was choking."Let go.""No.""You're going to die."Pennywise slammed the boy's head into the wall again and again, until blood started leaking from the boy's eyes."Why?"Pennywise's grip on his neck was getting tighter. The boy's eyes glazed over and he started to lose consciousness.Pennywise took the boy's ear and twisted it."You stupid child, you want to die? If you don't, I will."Pennywise twisted the boy's ear, ripping it off. The boy choked on his blood as Pennywise grabbed his head and forced it against the wall, his other hand still holding his wrist. His eyes rolled back into his head and Pennywise took his hand and forced it down the boy's throat."W-what-?" The boy tried to say as he felt Pennywise's hand down his throat. He tried to pull it back, but Pennywise held tight.The boy choked, trying to get air into his lungs, but the blood was rushing down his throat. The boy's eyes rolled back into his head and he started coughing. Pennywise grabbed his hand and forced it down the boy's throat again."Say goodbye."The boy choked and choked, a bloody mess in Pennywise's hand."Are you crazy? Say goodbye."The boy choked."Why do you want to do this?"Pennywise's grip on the boy's throat was getting tighter.The boy choked.Pennywise started to choke."You're too young to die."The boy struggled to breathe."You don't want to die."The boy coughed and choked."You don't want to die."The boy choked."Why?"Pennywise was holding the boy's throat so hard the boy couldn't breathe."You don't want to die."The boy gasped and the words rushed out of his mouth."You're too young to die.""I-I..."Pennywise couldn't breathe."You don't want to die."Pennywise wanted to kill the boy, he really did. But something didn't feel right.The boy took a deep breath and Pennywise lost it.He fell to his knees, panting. His grip loosened from the boy's throat and he coughed, and a thick plume of blood came out of his mouth. Pennywise stood up and looked around, a sick expression on his face. "This was a stupid idea."

(Interestingly morbid for an ai) 

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