The Crimson Sun

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During the times of Legend of Zelda. There was a bootleg cartridge of Majora's mask where there's a thing called the "crimson sun" where you have to survive the final day and let the game glitch out to summon the crimson sun. The crimson sun is a god among most, with the ability to erase anything in its path no matter how much they beg or scream or cry, it shall erase them. I immediately decided to play the game and deal with this so called crimson sun, and once I got the game, I didn't know what I was gonna encounter before. And once I ran the game through an emulator it immediately started at the encounter with the crimson sun. I was shocked at seeing this black sun with red rays with one red eye staring at link as if he's been waiting for him. I immediately tried fighting it as link but the crimson sun immediately started burning link alive and make the game break. Causing my emulator to explode causing me to start burning in the explosion just like link. I screamed and cried for the pain to stop but my skin was just slowly melting off my body with some of my body having third degree burns. I fall into the floor, dead and burnt. And then I wake up in the game, seeing the crimson sun watching me. Knowing I'm gonna be in this hell. Forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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