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Hello there! This is a guide to all the words you may not be familiar with in this oricure. If you are familiar with honorifics and other Japanese words, you may skip this chapter.


San: Used by mostly everyone, used as formal
Chan: Mostly used for young girls
Kun: Mostly used for young boys
Sama: Used when you have a high respect for someone
Tan: Used as a cute affectionate honorific
Dono: Used as a "god" honorific
Chama: An affectionate variation of sama


Onii-chan: Big brother
Onee-san: Big sister
Imouto: Little sister
Aneki; Big sibling
Senpai: Upperclassmen
Kouhai: Underclassmen
Oujo-chan: Means queen
Hime-chan: Princess
Ouji-san: Prince, King


Nya: Used by cats
Bau: Used by dogs
Kokeko: Used by chickens
Kero: Used by frogs



Here's how to say the character's names for people who are bad at pro punching.

Chie Sakaguchi: "chee-eh sah-kah-goo-chee"
Misae Morimoto: "me-sah-eh mo-ree-moe-toe"

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