Chapter 1.

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Her alarm clock blared off her nightstand as she slapped her hand onto it to stop the annoying noise.

Her eyes lazily opened to the morning light coming through her green stained window.

Oh, how the birds chirped around the city and the people of sumeru slowly started their days.

She swung her feet onto the ground rubbing her eyes trying to slowly adjust to the light, her eyes traced to her alarm clock.

"Fuck!" Her eyes widened at the time, she was 30 minutes late already on her first day of school!

Any ounce of tiredness left her body as she anxiously threw on her clothes, the silk dress draped over her body as she secured the hat with Bobbie pins.

She hadn't liked the usual boxy akademiya outfit so she made a few..adjustments.
She had gotten the idea from a woman she had seen walking around a few months ago, she remembered going up to the lady and speaking to her about the unusual outfit.

Lisa was her name if she remembered correctly, y/n didn't spend long speaking with her due to her uncomfortable and blatant flirting.
But she spoke long enough to grasp the basic stitching of her outfit.
Her feet rushed out of her house sprinting onto the Main Streets of sumeru, she looked to her small pocket watch once again.

10 minutes to get to class.

She clutched her books tightly against her chest as she pushed through the morning crowd, finally she wrapped up around the final staircase to the main entrance of the akademiya.

She nervously tried to navigate her way through the building, it was so complicated especially for an outlander.


She looked around at the classrooms filling with students, she passed each one reading the number plate but none seemed to match hers.


Tch, where was 116.

She let out an annoyed huff finally reaching the last classroom to the corridor.

She slowly opened the door to the classroom filled with students.

The professor stopped mid sentence to glance at the woman, she brushed hair out of her face glancing for an empty seat.

Her eyes finally landed on one, it was in the front of course. Who wants to sit in the front?

She quickly rushed to the seat, avoiding any and all eye contact with the professor.

"And who might you be?" He approached her desk, his grey hair brushed over to one side with a small tint of cyan lacing the bottom.
His eyes were sharp a deep cyan color with an enticing orange wrapping the pupils.

"Y/n, sir." She bowed her head slightly trying to show as much respect as possible.

"See me after class, y/n." And with that he stepped away from her desk, walking back to the chalkboard writing furiously as he explained the lesson.

Great, already five minutes into class and she's drawn more attention to herself.

She forced annoyance and embarrassment out of her mind trying to focus on the lesson he was giving.
His black and cyan cape flew behind him with every moment he would make, a soft jingling noise came from his hips as the metal clanked together.

[Alhaitham x y/n] - Moonlight Nights & The Secrets They Hold.Where stories live. Discover now