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The world is cold and strange
What it was back then, is not what it is now
It's dangerous for kids to go outside and play
Blood is no longer thicker than water
The same amenities we pay for poison our air, cloud our water, and kill us

Though the world seems cursed, blessings are still being thrown to everyone for free

There is a revival happening in generation z
The world is connected at the tap of your fingertips
People can work hard and go to college for free
Generational curses are being broken so families can get off their knees

God still doesn't want anything from us but worship, love, and to not idolize anything else
He still gives us chance after chance even though by our standards we should have none left

Seeing 21 is such a blessing
People die from violence, war, natural disasters, suicide, abuse
But I'm still here
I'm still breathing
I'm still blessed
I'm still free
I'm still me

I love
I feel
I cry
I smile
I laugh

I may get knocked down a few times, but every single time I still rise

I'm blessed to still be alive, and I'm still here at 21 because God is by my side

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