𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 17, 𝑩𝒂𝒓𝒃𝒊𝒆

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𐬺❤︎︎𐬺                𐬺❤︎︎𐬺
{𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞}





That finally caught his attention.

"I'm sorry I'm just trying to get us back there as soon as possible" Six said quickly glancing at Billy then went back to focusing on the road. Billy understands the situation at hand and the seriousness of it. When Elise told her that her dad was back home she waisted no time rushing to wake Six up.

The moment Six heard the words come out of her mouth he threw his clothes on and packed there things. They have been on the road for about 40 minutes now. Billy kept checking the map app on her phone to see how far her house was which she could see it was 20 miles left so yea he was speeding like hell.

During the past hour it was quiet. Six barely spoke.

From what Elise told Billy so far, her dad came home at about nine looking to surprise everyone and most importantly his daughter that he was back.

He was a bit confused when he didn't see her at home but he saw Elise. He knew they usually went everywhere with each other.

Elsie told Billy's dad that she had a monthly emergency and that she had to go to the store to get things and food so Six went with her. And that Elise stayed back because Miranda was there with her and Nora.

At exactly 15 minutes later the two finally pulled up to the house. They got out of the car and walked up the drive way. The front door of the home had opening at the sound of the closing car doors.

Billy's father Fitzroy stood at the entrance with a smile on his face ready to greet his daughter "hey Bee you missed your old man?" He asked her as he took her in his arms.

Billy wrapped her arms around father. Even though he had came back early she really did miss him.

"Of course I missed you dad" she said against his chest.

"Six it's good to see you too" Fitzroy said.

Six nodded "same here Fitz."

"I'm sorry if these two gave you any trouble during the weeks I was gone" Fitzroy said with a chuckle referring to Elise and Billy.

"No they were no trouble at all" Six said to Fitzroy.

Billy took a step back from hugging her dad.

"We'll come on in you two I have Nora making breakfast" Fitzroy said.

Billy and Six walked inside following the others to the kitchen. She thanked Elise in her head for packing her a change of clothes. Just a regular shirt and night shorts.

Fitzroy had pulled Billy to the side away from everyone else. "Bee did you get everything you needed from the store?"

Billy blinked twice feeling her heart speed up. Did her dad know she was lying? Psh, there's no way.

She pulled herself together. She groaned pulling on her best act "dad I don't want to talk about."

Fitzroy shrugged "I just want to make sure you got everything you know how it can be for your at those times of the month and just in case you forgot the Tylenol I have a spare in the kitchen medicine cabinet" he said to his daughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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