chapter 3

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I turned around and was met by an old friend of mind. " omg Klaus" I ran over and gave him a hug. " I can see you've lost control my friend." he said with a chuckle. " i .... he said he ... he was gonna hurt someone .." I panicked. I didn't know what to say , what to do. " oh my god Stefan is gonna kill me.." I'm so disappointed in myself. " sweetie its ok just hide the body before he finds out." 

" Klaus i don't know what came over me, its a guyi just met him but i feel so.. " i pause and looked down at my hands. " you feel drawn , like you would do anything to protect them , even kill people you care about." he said looking at me then the body behind me. I turned and looked at the damage I've done. " yes , exactly that. "  he walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. " you've found the one.  " the one? what the fuck is the one? 

" can we please do something about this before someone f.." I was interrupted by a loud scream . " OMG " a random girl shouted running down the ally ." well i already killed Jeremy might as well add another one on the list." me and Klaus  vamped to her and sinked our teeth into her .  I snapped her neck after i was done to ensure she was dead. " well , what's done is done , lets keep this from Damon and Stefan yah. " I said sprinting over to Jeremys body picking him up. he picked up the girl and we took off. vamp speed we where by a bridge in 15 seconds. 

we dumped the bodies over and I obviously had to go back to work. i walked back into my work with my head down so i could hide the little bit of blood on my lip as i quickly went to the bathroom. I got in and started to clean myself up. I ran my fingers through my hair and i looked brand new. 

I walked back over to the table and looked over at Caroline . " I'm so sorry" I left her alone for 15 minutes. enough time for her to have needed my help. " its alright i knew that was important to deal with . how did it go?" she asked. dead. Jeremy is dead and I'm the one that did it. " its fine, everything is fine. he went home to sleep it off. ill text him when hes cooled down." I smiled at her . keeping my heart rate steady , so she doesn't think I'm lying.

I just couldn't help but watch Colby. I know that sounds weird but i was just mesmerized. the way his shirt was unbuttoned showing his tattoo just a little bit, the way his rings sat on his finger, the way he bit his lip every so slightly looking at.. oh god hes looking at me. I couldn't help but blush and look away. " uh Roxy hes coming over , act natural" Caroline said over to me ." oh god" i mumbled . 

I looked up and was met with those eyes. those piercing blue eyes that made my heart melt. " um hey" Colby said placing one hand on the wall , he slipped a little bit but repositioned himself. " hey , did you need anything ?" I asked politely. " uh no i just wanted to ask you something and its ok if you say no." I could smell him , he was very nervous. I placed my hand on his shoulder and lifted his chin up with my finger. " its ok , don't be nervous. just ask , i promise i don't bite" he smiled at me. he had a really beautiful smile. and his cheeks where so cute. 

" ok , so i was wondering if i could, possibly take you out to dinner?" he asked . " yes" I answered . " omg really? i thought that.." he paused. " no hes not my boyfriend, well not anymore" I giggled. oh if only he knew what i did for him. " that's amazing , i mean, thank you, i mean so its a date?" Colby said brushing his hand against mine. " its a date, meet me after ill give you my number so you can contact me ok?" " of course. imma go back over to the guys, looks like they need me" he laughed as i saw Jake doing a weird dance on the table. " go have fun " he walked away and helped his friend off the table. 


it was coming towards the end of the night and they were all hammered except Colby. " I'm gonna help you guys in the uber but I'm gonna take a separate one, I got to go back in there and deal with some stuff " I heard him say. they all slurred some words that i could even understand and i heard the car drive away, and a door open. he was back.

" hey boss I'm clocking out now." I smiled over at him." great work tonight Roxy , I think we are gonna have to talk about a raise really soon . you are a really hard worker . have a goodnight and ill see you on Friday." " thank you so much" I said as I clocked out and walked over to Colby, he was leaned against the door.

" hey" he said. I giggled. " so about that number" I smirked and started to walk away and outside. " wait up " he said running over towards me. I laughed " kidding, lets swap phones." we did just that and exchanged numbers. " how are you getting home?" he asked very politely, and not in a sexual way . more like he wants to know if I'm gonna be safe. " well I was gonna walk" " WHAT? i pretty girl like you should not be walking home this late at night let alone by herself." he said in a really worried tone. " listen Colby , I'm a lot stronger then you think , and" i pulled out my taser. " I have this due to my over protective brothers. " i laughed. 

" you have siblings ?" he asked. " yes just the 2, Damon and Stefan." he looked at me . " Salvatore?" he asked . " yes how did you know ." i asked in a questioning tone . " oh i know about the Salvatore history , there legends." he smiled. he wasn't lying. 

after talking to him for a few minutes his uber pulled up. " are you sure your gonna be fine? i can uber you home first." he suggested. " no ill be fine thank you though. i hope you have a goodnight." i smiled at him. " have a goodnight darling" my heart would have skipped a beat if there was one there. 

he closed the door and i watched his car take off. I sighed thinking about what Klaus said, the one? imma have to ask my brothers about that when i got home. 

A/n hehe the story is baaaaaack in buissness


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