Chapter 2

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(Just so everyone knows, yes I'm aware that technically the school years start September first. I wanted it to start 2 days earlier because I wanted Kat's character to relate a lot to myself on some levels, so for the sake of the story, it started 2 days earlier.)

The next morning at breakfast Regulus was nowhere to be seen. Barty and Evan were back to their usual goofing off while Dorcas, Pandora, and I ate.

"Honestly, Kat," Dorcas said," I don't know why you dont try out for quidditch. Your guys' team would be even better with you on it."

Evan scoffed," yeah, I think Reg would have a heart attack, Dorcas."

"Yeah, and I am anything but athletic. James is the one who does that sort of stuff," I say, picking at my eggs with my fork.

"Why don't you try out?" Regulus' voice sounds all of a sudden, making me look up at him as he takes a seat," you and James both like to strut around like you're better than everyone else already, so why not?"

"My brother and I do not strut," I say, glaring at him.

"You do kind of strut," Pandora said, smiling sweetly at me.

"I walk normally," I say, furrowing my eyebrows.

I see Regulus raise his eyebrows, running his fingers through his hair. Barty and Evan look at eachother at the same time, both slowly smirking at eachother.

I roll my eyes at them, giving Regulus one last sneer before standing up and walking toward the doors of the Great Hall," I'm going to class."


Right as Transfiguration class was about to start I watched Regulus Black come through the doors. His face was blank, but when he saw me staring right back at him his face tightened into a death glare.

He moved closer to me, taking the only empty seat in the classroom, right beside me. I could hear a few people whisper to eachother about it, making my eyes dart to them, instantly shutting them up.

It was no secret throughout the school that Regulus Black and I were a thing. It had started last year with a few girls who were trying to get my brotherand his friend's attention, going around telling everyone that Regulus and I had fucked. My brother, ofcourse, told them off and told everyone it wasn't true.

As hard as he'd tried, the damage had already been done. I didn't leave my dorm for a week and had tons of homework. Regulus had acted like nothing happened, and I was sure he'd played along with it at times, which made my blood boil. He did it because that was the type of person Regulus Black was. He'd let people say all those things about me, only denying it after my brother had.

The rest of class was the professor explaining rules again and going over things we learned last year. A drag of a class, but it didn't bother me much.

Charms was basically the same, reviewing things from last year and catching up on our summers. Ofcourse, to my great delight Regulus had ended up in that class with me as well.


"I'll never escape him," I tell Dorcas and Pandora as we walk through the grass of the castle grounds.

"Come on, it won't be that bad, Kat," Dorcas says, brushing her hair behind her shoulder.

"It just seems like everywhere I go, he's always there. He's like a damn parasite."

"You talkin' about me, Kitty?" I hear my brother's voice ring, seeing him and his friends walk toward us.

I frown, watching my brother walk. His back straight as he walked proudly toward us. Do we both really walk like that?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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