The magic nephew

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This is a fan fiction of the first book of the chronicles of Narnia, the magician's nephew. 

"Look at those mountains!" Polly exclaimed. "They are so majestic". "I quite agree Polly" Digory replied. "Remember what Aslan said, Fledge, do not fly over them, rather through the gaps in between them". Fledge harrumphed. "What ever is the matter?" Polly asked. "Well, it's just that, I think..". "Think what?" Digory prompted. " It's just that, I think I could go over them mountains, they really aren't that high" "Oh, Fledge, I think it best not to" said Digory. "You don't think I could do it, do you? I can and I will." Fledge said, somewhat aggressively. "No, Fledge, Aslan said not too!" Polly cried out. "You're just saying that because you're scared I can't do it but it's too late. I'm already half way up" He yelled. It was true. Fledge had already begun to ascend over the mountains and there was nothing Polly or Digory could to but wait and watch in horror. And with good reason too. The higher he got, the slower he became. Eventually Polly, Digory and Fledge were struggling for air, and right when Fledge was about to pass the mountains, he suddenly fell. Digory and Polly screamed and held on for their lives, pressing their bodies up against Fledge's, who seemed to have passed out. His wings were slightly tucked, but not enough to stop them from scraping the sharp edges of the harsh rocks. In his blurred vision, Digory could see blots of red. He quickly realised that Fledges wings were being torn! He screamed even louder. After what felt like an eternity of screaming and falling, the trio hit the ground of the forest floor. Then they promptly passed out.

Digory woke with everything tilted and blurred. He got and sat up right, and instantly regretted it as his head began to spin. He blinked and waited for everything to pass. Once it did, he saw he was sitting in a grass clearing, with Polly not too far off, still unconscious. Fledge was sitting by a river, head down, wings splayed out. Digory gasped and Fledge turned around. He couldn't help it, Fledge's wings were a mess. There was blood everywhere. It seemed as though he broken some bones as well but Digory couldn't be sure as everything was sticky with blood. Fledge tried getting up, winced and immediately sat back down. Digory rushed over to him, but before he could say anything, he heard another gasp. He turned around and saw Polly had woken. She joined them and put a comforting arm around Fledges neck. He looked down, ashamed. "This is all my fault. I should have listened to what both of you and Aslan had said. I don't deserve these wings, do I?" "Oh don't be silly! You made a mistake, that's all." Digory comforted him. Polly added "I agree, and there is no point in staying here and pouting! We need a place to stay for the night, it's getting dark". "Oh I think there is a cave nearby. We can go there and set up a fire. And I am terribly sorry." Fledge said. "Oh it's fine, but do take to heart our advice next time." Polly replied. "Well, best be going" Digory said. And so they walked, through bushes and trees, till they arrived. It shouldn't have taken as long as it did for if there had been a path, they would gotten there in a seven to eight minutes. As it was, it took them around fifteen to sixteen minutes. Once they were there, Digory and Polly went to get collect the necessities to make a fire. They returned quickly and got a gentle fire going. And so our heroes slept.

After these awful turn of events, you'd think our heroes would give up. In fact, this is exactly what was going through Digory and Polly's head as they collected firewood. Digory thought to himself, 'Gosh, after all that happened, I've a right mind to just go back. But what will they think after I come back empty handed? In the end, it was I after all who woke the witch and brought her here. And I did promise Aslan. It's only right if I keep on going, and who knows? Maybe Aslan has something to help Mother.' And so Digory kept going. Polly though only though that the good people of Narnia needed to be protected from the awful witch and if it meant going to a garden and plucking a fruit from a tree, so be it. So in each of their own ways, the two heroes found it in them to keep going.

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