The past

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"Well hello, what's going on here?" The red haired fiend said as he walked in on an old guy pressuring a boy to committing sexual acts on him. He looked down to see the boy's eyes filled with tears as he looked up at him and pleaded him to get him out of his position of being under the old man and James winked at him, assuring him he was going to help him. "You know, dude. I think he might be your daughter's age." "Who the fuck are you?! I'm teaching this brat a lesson." "I'm sure sex ed would be taught in schools, we're not in old times, Ahjussi." James said as he grabbed the boy's hand and pulled him out from underneath the man but of course the geezer wouldn't let him go out as he grabbed the boy's arm and tugged him harder towards himself. James's grip was already strong but the sudden tugging at the boy's hand again made him scream out in pain and burst out crying that tugged at his heart and he slapped the man's hand off and brought the boy closer to him and looked down at him and smiled, flashing his toothy grin. This made the boy lower his guard down a bit and smile up at him in gratitude. "Hey, where do you think you're going?!" The old guy screamed out. "I'll just cover your eyes for a bit, okay sweetheart?" James gently spoke out and covered his eyes when he was given permission. His attitude shifted as he shot a murderous glare to the man and in a single knocked him out with his kick.

"I-I'm Johan Seong." "I'm James, nice to meet'cha." The whole ordeal was over and James has taken the boy somewhere peaceful and quiet place and were introducing themselves to each other. "You're a cutie. Whatcha doing out on the street?" He said as he popped a lollipop into his mouth. "Um... It's a long story.." "You don't have to tell me if you're uncomfortable." "Thank you." "For what?" "For helping me and understanding me." "Don't mention it, kid." "Um Hyung-nim." "Bah, don't use honorifics with me, kid." "You're really cool." "I know that, kid." "Can you stop calling me a kid?" "Why, should I call you sweetheart instead?" Johan's face flushed up and he stammered out no's and buried his face into his hands. James smiled and brought his hands away and uncovered his face as if he was unwrapping a Christmas present. "So sweetheart, how's life?" Johan's face had become as red as a tomato and his doe eyes blinking up at him adorably was a beautiful sight to see. It was as if there was an invisible string pulling him closer to him and he could see that Johan also felt it too and without thinking, James connected their lips together and there was no going back after that. James took the lead as he was more older and more experienced while Johan just imitated him and and tried to keep up. James held his face as Johan placed his hands on his chest. Their proximity was close as they continued their kiss. The kiss shared a story of their lives, James' being a little rough around the edges but he was trying to make it gentle for him so as to not scare him off with his roughness and the need to take it further than just a kiss while Johan's was a bit more innocent and more inexperienced and self conscious, trying not to make a mistake so that he could please him. Their fates were intermingled now and James vowed to himself to himself to protect him.

Johan laughed as James caught him in his arms. They had been together for a few weeks but it felt like they've been with each other their whole lives. But noises of slapping and groans resonated out into the room and Johan snapped out it to see a monster abusing his body and Johan cried out as every nerve of his body felt like it was on fire. Ever since James left, he was brought in by a guy who taught him how to fight and also took advantage of him and it made him feel guilty because of a lot of things, including how he was in bed with two men who weren't his lovers. They would abuse him, berate him, trap him, make him do things he didn't want to do and they felt no remorse.
It was the night of Eli Jang's rebellion and the man had been more pissed off. He called him in and made him sit on his lap as he took drags of his cigarette. Pulling him closer to his chest as he kissed him after the cigarette was put out and Johan suffered through the course of it. This man was different from James, he didn't make it easier for him, he didn't pour any affection or care into it and hurt him. It was as if the man sensed him thinking about someone else as he slammed him roughly against the couch and started ripping the clothes off, making makeshift handcuffs and binding his arms up as he started to threaten him to think of only him. Johan hated this, he wished James would come back right now and save him from this hell.

Johan ran. That crazy bastard had just beaten that man to a pulp because he thought he was sleeping with the man when that wasn't true and was about to drag him away to Japan so that he would be isolated. He didn't want to leave, what if the red haired guy came back to get him? He couldn't scream, his heart dropped into his stomach. His tears looked like tiny crystals dripping down and mingling with the water on the ground. His head hurt as something kept resurfacing in his mind of a boy called Zack but he couldn't remember who it was and when he had met him. He ran and ran until he couldn't anymore. His knees stung due to the bruises on them and his skin was exposed to the cold air and he was thankful to have found a hiding spot.

DG yawned, his heart feeling empty as he walked through the streets. He wondered what Johan was doing now and he noticed something moving under a piece of cloth.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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