Trespassing can't be that bad...Right?

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Luz found peace in the woods by her house. It was one of the only places outside of her house where she could just sit and read 'The Good Witch Azura' in peace and without interruption from bullies.

All the bullies loved to pick on her for some reason. Maybe it was because she also liked girls? Or maybe it was because she was a nerd?

Anyways, the bullies had been especially ruthless today. They ripped up her homework, dumped food on her, and called her the usual names. She is glad they never seem to get physical. Just sticking to destroying her stuff and calling her names.

Well...Until now.

Luz had given up on seeking help from teachers or the principal. They never believed her, always assuming that she had brought the bullying on herself, and dismissing her cries for help as attention-seeking behavior. They always believed the bullies over her.

So today she decided to take matters into her own hands. As they were tearing up her homework (again) she punched one of her bullies in the gut. It was pretty weak, barely hurting him, but it still felt good to do that.

It also pissed them off.

A lot.

They told her that the next time Luz showed her face in front of them, they'd beat the shit out of her.

Luz tried to feel brave like Azura, but she just couldn't pull that bravery forth. The thought of her bullies filled her with fear. She wishes she could ditch school, but that would just lower the teachers opinion of her even more.

So now Luz was here. In the woods. She knew that the bullies would never follow her here.

It was common knowledge that children should not go into the Gravesfield woods at all, no matter the reason. In fact, it was encouraged that even adults should not go there. The woods were known to be filled with strange things and secrets. Sometimes the stuff seen was harmless, glowing lights and strange noises.

But other times it was much worse than that. Dead animals. Corpses found. Suicides. Children going missing.

At first people thought that these occurrences were a myth, something to just draw the tourists into their small town.

But then a millionaire's daughter went missing.

She's never been found. Not even a corpse.

But despite the danger, Luz felt comfortable here. The trees here protected her from the harsh realities of the outside world. Here, she could read in peace.

But as she read, she couldn't help but worry about how she would explain the food covered book to her mother. "I accidentally spilled" wouldn't cut it this time; she had used that excuse one too many times. She tried to think of more excuses, but nothing seemed plausible.

Luz felt a pang of guilt as she thought about lying to her mother yet again. It wasn't easy for her to keep things from her mom, but she had to. She didn't want to burden her already stressed-out mother with the truth of how weak and vulnerable she was. Luz knew that her mother had enough on her plate, and she didn't want to add to that burden.

Luz placed her book and worries aside and reached for her water bottle, but before she could pick it up, an owl swooped down and snatched her book from her hands. Luz watched in disbelief as the bird flew off deeper into the woods.

Luz knew she had to retrieve her book, but she also knew that venturing deeper into the woods could be dangerous, maybe even a death sentence. But she didn't care. That book was her everything. Her little escape from reality. She took a deep breath, gathered her courage, and set off after the owl, determined to retrieve her precious book at any cost.

Is this the real life? Or is it just fantasy?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum