Eda the Owl Beast

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Without hesitation, Luz and King bolted, their footsteps echoing down the narrow corridor. Luz's injured leg screamed in agony with every step, but adrenaline pushed her onward. The Owl Beast was relentless, and the only reason they remained uncaught was because the creature's immense bulk took up most of the hallway, impeding its pursuit.

Breathing heavily, Luz managed to gasp out words to King amidst their frantic escape. "I think... I think Eda must have forgotten to take her medicine. We need to find it, King. Fast."

King's nodded in agreement. "I'm pretty sure that Eda keeps her medicine in her room

They glanced back at the horrifying creature continuing to pursue them, its snarling and guttural growls echoing in their ears. Eda's room was past the Owl Beast, and it was taking up the entire hall.

Luz and King frantically assessed their options. There was no way they could get past the monstrous creature, especially with Luz's injured leg screaming in protest with her every move.

As they approached the living area, Luz shouted to King, "We can't outrun it, King. We need a plan."

King nodded in agreement, his eyes darting towards the room. "I've got an idea. Let's lead it into the living area."

"And then what?"

"Just follow my lead," King said.

They sprinted into the living area, the Owl Beast in relentless pursuit. Just as the creature was about to close in on them, King shouted, "Now, Luz!"

Understanding the plan, Luz veered sharply to the side, and King followed suit. The Owl Beast, unable to stop its momentum in time, charged forward with terrifying force. It crashed headlong into the wall with a deafening impact, the very foundation of the room shaking from the collision.

Stunned and disoriented, the Owl Beast momentarily lay sprawled amidst the wreckage it had created. Luz and King didn't waste a second. Despite her agonizing leg, Luz pushed herself to her limits, sprinting back down the hallway towards Eda's room. Every step was a torment, her leg feeling like it was on fire.

Breathless and desperate, Luz and King finally reached Eda's room. As they entered, the sight that greeted them was a mix of comfort and chaos.

Eda's room was a peculiar blend of a cozy nest and a disheveled workshop. In the center of the room, a massive heap of blankets, pillows, and clothes created a nest. It was a stark contrast to the sterile, bleak environment of the Facility.

The room's walls were adorned with an eclectic collection of paintings and drawings. Stacks of notebooks and loose sheets of paper were strewn about the room.

Luz, her pain momentarily overshadowed by concern for her mentor, quickly went to work. She rummaged through drawers, her hands shaking with anxiety. Among the assorted items, she discovered several empty vials, neatly lined up as if waiting for something to fill them.

Luz muttered to herself, her voice tinged with frustration. "She was probably too distracted by taking care of my injuries and forgot to get some more medicine for herself."

Eda had sacrificed her own well-being to ensure Luz's recovery, and now it was their turn to return the favor.

As Luz and King examined the empty vials, a screech and heavy footsteps echoed down the hallway outside Eda's room. Panic welled up in Luz's chest as she recognized the ominous sound. The Owl Beast was back, and they had little time to act.

King's voice broke through her anxiety, reassuring her with his usual confidence. "Luz, don't worry. Eda is just too paranoid to have run out of medicine. You need to distract her somehow while I search for more."

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