Chapter One

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*Don't ask why I have the deadman wonderland opening , just love it so I put it so if you wanna listen you can * enjoy the story this chapter is sort of inappropriate and has bad language kk


I wake up from being knocked out. I hate my dad so damn much. I just want to kill him. Maybe I will. Eh I would , but then I wouldn't have anywhere to go.

I decide to go to school , so I won't get beat by my dad anymore. I take a shower and get dressed , eat breakfast then wait for my bus. I'm grateful that my dad works in the morning. I get on the bus and sit in my usual empty seat. Man I hate everyone.
I usually keep to myself. I don't give a fuck about anyone else for all I care they can all get hit by a bus.

I go to my locker and put my stuff away. I don't bother grabbing my books because I don't care about my grades. I wait till after the bell to go to my class.

"You're late Mr. Kira." Mrs. Yuki says.

"Oh My Bad. I didn't notice ." I sit down in my usual spot. The teacher just rolls her eyes because she's used to it. I think she's noticed my bruises.

"What a loser" someone says
"Yeah." Another person says back
I flip them off and they just glare. This is why I hate everyone .

At lunch I sit alone. Stabbing my food with a fork because I'm not hungry . I head to the bathroom and when I get inside there's a group of boys lookin like they were waiting for me .

"What do you want?" I say in a rude voice .

"Who do you think your talking to?!" He shouts back.

"I don't know you haven't introduced yourself " I smirk.

He punches me in the face and the other one unzips my pants. What the fuck are they doing ?

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I yell.
The guy puts his hand in my pants and starts to touch me . I kick him in the balls.

"Fuck off! " I shout . Then he gets really angry and pushes me onto the ground and he unzips his pants. Is he going to try to rape me? He pushes me down and turns me over .

"You're just so damn cute I can't resist myself.." He says. Before he can do anything else I get the pocket knife I have and stab him with it .

"What the fuck? You're some kind of psycho!" I try to run out but I'm stopped by the other guy . I quickly stab him too and run out of the bathroom. Serves them right . I hear them yelling in pain and a few teachers go in to check and then they look at me. I run for it . I run out of school somewhere where no one can find me , but they are still chasing.

Guess I have no choice... I stab one of the teachers Coming after me In the heart. I didn't mean to kill her but it looks like I did. The other adults instead of chasing me call an ambulance. Too bad I don't think she'll live. I finally run to my house inside .

"Who's there?" Someone shouts
Oh shit... My dads home I totally forgot.

"Kosuke what the hell are you doing home ."
He pushes me on to the ground . "How are you going to learn?" He grabs my dick and starts rubbing it. I have no choice but to kill him now. I'm tired of everyone doing this shit to me. I stab him and stab and stab and he gets up and tries to grab the knife from me but I stab more and more. It's really fun doing this.....after I'm done I go outside and do some other stuff. I don't know why , but damn this feels so good.


That's the end of chapter one sorry if it's a little short. I couldn't think of what to write. He's really psycho isn't he. Well I'll update chapter two pretty soon.

Thanks !


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2015 ⏰

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