Ⅰ. Entry one.

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     Before I start this journal, I would just like to say that this is not for anyone's amusement, but for my own sake. Although, I do hope that this will somehow help someone out there.

     If you read this, you are greatly appreciated. It's what I need; a reader. Maybe just one, but to know that someone is listening is enough to get me through the day.

     Thank you, x.

     - Anonymous.

Dear friend,

    It's kind of funny. It's like I'm copying The perks of being a wallflower, and maybe I am, but not in the way of plagiarizing. It just amuses me, how good Charlie must have felt when he let it all out to someone, a stranger perhaps, using a pen and pencil. Nevertheless, he got through his fear, and maybe that's what it's all about. Fear. Maybe we're just all afraid.

     If you're wondering, I actually have friends. My life is not like those stories in the movies or books, where the character is always alone, and bullied, then she comes home crying to a mother who doesn't give a fuck. No. Not at all. Maybe it's because of the fact that I don't have a mother, not even a father, but that doesn't matter -- at least, I think it doesn't.

     Not that I'm judging those people who has those life, or those writers and directors. Not at all, it's just, some things seems to unrealistic, and it bothers me. Why? Because I like to live in a world that doesn't exist, and the fact that people often make that world cruel hurts me more than it really should.

     My life is a mess, I guess one would say. And you'll know why. Maybe with every entry, you'll see how much I get better, or get worst. You decide.

     Thank you for listening to me, friend. Even if you don't know who I am, even if you don't even probably care. I hope you do, even just a little bit.

     Until next time!


     Anonymous, x.  

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