The Wife, the Bull & the Cuckold Chapter 6

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Alan Gilbert was in his fifties although he could have easily passed for a man in his forties if he really had to. He took care of himself, he dressed well and he was fit and muscular.

He had worked for himself for a number of years building up the company to a good sized business with a healthy turnover and a great reputation and he was proud of his achievements.

But it hadn't always been that way. When Alan had lost his wife Maria 2 years earlier to cancer he was devastated and the grief and loss had taken their toll. For a while, he was a lost soul, moping around, with no interest in anything and his attention to the company began to wane. Then his brother James told him that they were going to Las Vegas for a long weekend and there James gave him a good talking to. In an attempt to drag him out of the malaise James introduced his brother Alan to the night life, a little gentle gambling and a lot of hot women and it changed Alan's life.

By chance Alan met a woman called Melissa who was tall voluptuous, and very attractive and listened to his sad story about losing his wife and having no interest in life. She sympathised of course, and asked him what he did with himself and he told her all about his business and how he had built it up from nothing. In the end, she steered their conversations around to sex and Alan made it clear that he was attracted to her and began to flirt with her but she told him she would not be any substitute for his wife.

'Of course not, I don't want that, I want to move on, I want to get my strength back, I want to feel in control of things again but it seems that I need a bit of help to do that.' Alan said honestly.

Melissa was a clever woman, she was attracted to Alan, his well built frame, his handsome face and attractive body and so she told him right away, that she knew that he needed to release his alpha side.

She talked to him about using the dominant side of his persona in his personal and sex life, just as he used to do in his business life. Take what you want, and tell each woman that is what you plan to do. Treat your women well in public; take them to all the best places buy them the best food and wine, let them know that they are wanted, appreciated and respected but make sure that once you get them into your bed they do exactly as you want them to do - whatever it is. If you want a woman to suck your cock for an hour, then make sure you tell her that's what you expect, if you want your friends to fuck her while you watch tell her that too. It will make you feel so strong, so powerful and so incredibly horny too. You will be very surprised at how many women just long to be dominated'

'Does that include you?' he had asked her. She laughed and said 'that's for me to know and for you to find out.'

Alan had caught on quickly. He knew that he was a controlling man and wanted things his way, but he had never really considered the validity of the expression about the best women are a goddess in the kitchen and a whore in the bedroom, but Melissa had made him understand. His first conquest as a real dominant was Melissa. He wined and dined her and then made her suck his brother's cock while he watched and they both fucked her afterwards. Melissa was right, it was so horny being in control, and they all loved it.

Alan took this ethos back home, living his life and running his business with the same controlling hand. Soon he was into everything; meeting clients and suppliers, checking on the financial side of things, overseeing where appropriate project managing and generally making sure everything ran professionally and efficiently. He had brought his son Rick on board at that time too. A smooth operator with client relationships Rick had won a number of big accounts and had turned out to be a real asset.

But Alan Gilbert knew that his son was a philanderer, his marriage had broken down and like any red blooded male, he had needs. Alan thought he knew exactly what Rick had been up to. Alan had allowed himself to be persuaded by Rick to let one of the staff members, Steve, off the hook in terms of a major architectural cock up do with incorrectly measuring a whole lot of glass. Alan suspected that Rick had Steve over the proverbial barrel and may be using that as a lever.

He had discovered that Rick had invited Steve and his wife Sally out for dinner at La Troubadour the coming Friday one of the area's top restaurants so Alan couldn't help wondering just what Rick might be up to. He began to assume that there may be more to the relationship than he had originally thought and true to his into everything principals he was determined to discover exactly what was going on.

So Alan went along to La Troubadour just to see what might happen and he hovered about in the reception area of the high-end restaurant for a while waiting to be noticed. After a while he casually approached the table where Rick sat with the married couple.

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