'•' demon shinobu '•'

436 10 1

[Location: Mt kuronoko]
[Ship: giyushino]
[pics not mine]

[Tomioka headed up the mountain, holding his sword, and a gift in his pocket, he trotted up the mountain, constantly checking the time. He paused, the air pressure....he had to get back quick, before the corps realized he was gone,this wasn't for a mission. He paused, seeing the purple butterflies fluttering their wings and then, a blue one fluttered over and sat on his index finger, he smiled. This was the one Shinobu brought for him, he walked forward, balancing his steps. Then he passed many flowers, and some dead bodies.. He walked forward and then stopped once he hit a cave. He took off his shoes and looked up, he put his palm over the stone and recited a incantation]

[The stone revealing a door, he knocked twice and it opened up, to reveal a castle, he walked forward and shut the two big door, he continued, he paused and stood in the middle of the castle, waiting for...her. ]

"Tomioka-San~" she called out

[She appeared infront of him]

"Hello love" he greeted her

[She smile and kissed him on the cheek]

"How have you been?"

"You never care to visit me!!" She complained

[She put her hand over her head, acting distressed]

[They talked for a while, standing infront of eachother, but somebody had followed giyu.]

"Why does this bastard always do this dumb shit?!" Sanemi complained

"Is this a Castle? How'd he enter?" Sanemi wondered

[Sanemi eventually figured out how to open the door. Then he sneakily peeked the door open, Shinobu's head shot to the door sensing somebody. She looked back at Tomioka, and gave him a secret look. Sanemi opened the door fully and paused]

".....huh...." He gasped


[He looked over and saw the demon Shinobu, sitting in Tomioka's arm's confidently her arm on his right shoulder her legs covering front of his chest his arm under hers, then she held her old sword in her arm, smiling,m she wore a beautiful dress, a dead rose on her fingertips, bandages were covering her forearms, her hair grew longer, and her haori deisgn imprinted on the edges of the dress. Tomioka eyes stared into Sanemis eyes, holding Shinobu in his arms,]

 Tomioka eyes stared into Sanemis eyes, holding Shinobu in his arms,]

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"Kocho?! Tomioka?!" Sanemi exclaimed backing away



[Sanemi backed off and eventually ran away, retracing his steps, in a running manor]

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