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Servants recognized you, and the woman in charge of keeping tidy the garden approached you, bowing. "Good evening, Young master Cælius!" She coed, the tremble in her tone making you wince.

Lady Florencia, or "Flore" for short, was one of the very few people who earned your sought-after respect and praise, she was a kind lady. Wed recently, with a young daughter aged 9, Lilac, often found in the flower bushes, admiring them, or climbing the trees.

Normally, that would never be allowed, but due to Flores' service with your family, they made an exception. Plus, Lilacs adorable! "Lady Florencia," you mimicked her, curtseying.

Her cheeks flushed into a deep shade of crimson, "How many times have I told you to greet and treat me as an ordinary citizen?" She sighed and got up, "Many times, Young– Uh, [Name].. But I can't help it."

You nodded silently, dragging your fingers across the petals of beautiful, bright yellow sunflowers that stood up tall and mighty, welcoming you, just like a warm hug.

"What brings you out here?" She asked, standing next to you and trimming the dead leaves of the purple pianesse, "Oh uh," you trailed off, "Nothing really, just needed to take my mind off something. Maybe I'll go piss off Lieutenant Grey,"

Her eyes lit up, brows furrowing, "N-No, that's a bad idea!" Once more, your brow quirked, turning sharply around to Florencia. "Excuse me?" Your tone was harsh, you never spoke to her like this, but even so, everyone had a breaking point.

Flore tripped over her own feet, the hem of her dress flying up as she fell backwards, the layered blue fabric complimenting her red hair, she stumbled over her words, "I-I didn't mean it like tha-"

"Then how did you mean it, servant? Go on, speak up." You crouched down to stare at her, you loved Flore, everyone did, but a lowly garden keeper shooting the prince's idea? No, that's unacceptable.

Tears brimmed at the corners of her eyes, feeling her throat close up, she tried desperately to mutter even the start of a sentence, feeling utterly paralyzed under the disapproving gaze of such a respected person was horrifying.

You tilted your head, awaiting a response, before you could find yourself speaking, you were interrupted by another guard. "Sir Cælius, your new guards here." This snapped you out of your trance, turning your head around, you grit your teeth at the person in front of you.

"Darkwood," you got up and smiled tauntly, "I believe I've made it quite clear I don't particularly enjoy interacting with mere copper-level servants, have I not?"

He shivered under your gaze, "Of course, Sir Cælius, you've made that perfectly clear. Though, I was ordered by your father to inform you, once more." His voice began losing strength at the end of his sentence, indicating he easily fell apart by only a few harmful words, and they weren't even that hurtful.

You walked in front of the guard and made your way to the front entrance, where newcomers would arrive. Darkwood looked down at the sobbing Florencia, pity present in his green eyes, as he silently closed the glass doors.

Your heels clanked against the marble flooring approaching the other guards, receiving frightened gazes, there stood a tall, russian ginger with a dopey grin on his face as he nodded every once in a while to whatever bullshit your dad spewed at him.

You quickly noticed the diamond plaque on his chest, alongside with the same coat that Captain dude that came by before had, this time, this man was wearing a red outfit, you weren't exactly sure what it was called, but it was fashionable, to say the least.

His gaze went from your father to you, eyes widening in what you hoped was fear, though, much to your dismay, turned out to be excitement. You stopped in your tracks as you stood beside your father, waiting for instructions.

"Tartaglia, this is my son," He gestured to you and in return, a smirk graced your figure as you stuck out your hand, "[Name] Cælius,"

"Tartaglia, it's a pleasure to meet you, Sir Cælius." The touch of his warm grasp lingered for a little too long, you felt it, and you could tell by the look in his eyes it was intentional.

You quirked a brow, well, he certainly was a charmer, that's for sure.

Your eyes scanned over his body, he had quite a toned one, through his red .. coat? You could see the faint outline of abs, he had freckles scattered across his cheeks, he had a mole near his left ear, and a gold piercing.

You could see the residue of large scratches on what you could see of his arms, this dude was legit. "[Name], I know it's been awhile since you've had a personal guard, but trust me, you're in safe hands." His gentle smile made you feel at ease, more than you've felt in your entire life.

You shook your head, realizing you stayed silent and stared at him for a little too long. You sneered, "That sentence is nothing but utter nonsense, having been evaluated by several doctors, my unpredictability is a severe threat. Quoting a psychiatrist directly. Goodluck"

And there it was, the long awaited taunting smile you gave to every guard, Tartaglia had heard rumours about you, according to "retired" soldiers, you were an asshole who haunted them every night. More specifically, it was your smile, it was a mocking one, and it drove them up the walls.

No, this only merely intrigued the ginger. He watched you closely as you rolled your eyes whenever your dad said something you deemed as annoying, or the way you would adjust your position

every few minutes, he stared at your lips and the way they would turn upright into a dorky smile, one filled with life and joy.

Maybe you weren't the cruel monster the world had labelled you as?

"GUARD." [CHILDE X MALE READER]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant