cheesloon date real

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Cheesy anxiously fiddled with his hands, holy shit was he worried. In about an hour was his date with Balloon. It was nerve wracking but exciting at the same time. He adjusted his bowtie and took one last look in the mirror, mentally preparing. He had made a list of jokes in his notes app a few hours prior. Hopefully Balloon would find them funny, because if he didn't then the date would be basically ruined. He put his hands up to his face, covering his eyes. He put them down and sighed, putting on a confident face and stepping outside of his room.

The drive to the restaurant wasn't that long, it only took about 15 minutes to get there. Once he parked and checked in with the cashier, he noticed Balloon sitting and waiting at a table in the corner, and it seemed like Balloon noticed him too. He waved, and Cheesy waved back as he went over to sit across from him.

“Hey there, uh, Cheesy!” Balloon smiled, causing Cheesy’s heart to leap. He gave a soft grin as he cleared his throat. He sweated a little bit.

“Hey Balloon!” He said before quickly reading off one of the puns he listed down that day. “Did you hear about the cannibal who was late for dinner? They got the cold shoulder!” It made Balloon pause for a second before he burst out laughing.

“Good one!!”

"Awe, thanks! I wasn't sure If you'd like that one, heh!"

Just as Cheesy said that, their waiter came over to them. “Hello you two fine fellows! What can I get for you two to drink today?” The waiter smiled, a clipboard and pencil in hand. Cheesy quickly skimmed over the menu.

“I’ll just take some water.” Balloon responded, while Cheesy continued to look at the menu. It seemed like a hard decision.

“Uhhh, I’ll take a sprite.” Cheesy said, sure that he had made the right choice.

"Ok, I'll be right back with your drinks soon." The waiter walked away, leaving Cheesy and Balloon to have a small conversation, some puns sprinkled in here and there. It had been great so far, and Balloon seemed to make Cheesy’s anxiousness completely go away.

"My doctor told me my blood was type A, but turns out it was a type-O!"

Balloon let out a little laugh, which caused Cheesy to feel a bit better. Cheesy smiled at him, admiring Balloon's face. He loved the way he looked when he laughed. He always thought his face was so pretty.

His thoughts were interrupted by the waiter coming back with both of their drinks. Balloon and Cheesy both said "Thanks!" at the same time, and when the waiter walked away Cheesy quickly said "Jinx, you owe me a house!"

Balloon responded, confused. "What? That's not how it goes!"

"Well, when I was a kid everyone would say it like that, so that's what I'm going with."

Balloon chuckled. "Heh, okay then."

The rest of the night was filled with small talk and many more puns, Balloon even making some in the process. Cheesy allowed Balloon to rant about whatever he wanted while he drank this Sprite, and Balloon let Cheesy discuss his latest ideas for jokes and where he should put on his next show.

Finally, after a while, Cheesy turned on his phone to pull up another one of his jokes when he saw the time. "11:38!? Jeez, we've been here a long time!" Balloon looked around and saw that all the other couples that used to occupy the now empty seats were gone.

"Hey, I know you walked here, and your house isn't that far away, but would you want me to drive you home?" Cheesy stood up and turned off his phone, slipping it in his pocket. "I wouldn't want you getting kidnapped or anything."

Balloon blushed a little, also standing up and picking up their two cups. "Sure, I guess. That's awfully nice of you." Cheesy just giggled at that, taking his cup from Balloon's hand. "Well? Should we go?"

"Sure, let me pay real quick-" Cheesy rummaged through his pockets, grabbing out the 50 dollar bill from his pocket. He quickly wrote with the pen 'Keep the change' and sat up, grabbing everything he needed. Balloon stood up too, walking over towards Cheesy to wait til he was finished taking stuff.

"Alrighty! Lets-a-go!" Cheesy quickly said, smiling before grabbing Balloon's hand and walking towards the exit. He unlocked his car and let go of the other man's hand, walking over to go start up the car.

It was a light sprinkle now, tiny drops of water falling out of the almost completely dark sky. Balloon walked over to sit in the passenger seat of Cheesy's car. It had beige leather seats, and they weren't really that warm. Cheesy started up the car with his keys.

It was a quick ride to Balloon's house, and once they had arrived, Cheesy let out a slight sigh.

"Uh, can you hang out anytime soon?" Balloon asked, making Cheesy light up.

"Totally, probably next Wednesday." Balloon gave a thumbs up at the response, and reached over to give Cheesy a light kiss on the cheek. Cheesy flushed, waving a goodbye as Balloon opened the car door and left.

EEKKKK THIS WAS ALSO COLLABED WITH AUTISMWIZARD aughhhh CHECK THEM OUT NOW anyways cheesloon is canon not fake smh

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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