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I don’t know when I started obsessing over Taylor, I guess one day it just kind of crept up on me. I always saw her has Belly’s annoying best friend, but she isn’t just that anymore. Looking back, I realise that I probably really hurt her last year by kissing her and saying it was a mistake when it was obvious, she liked me. Now when I start to really like her back, she already has a boyfriend. Milo isn’t right for her though she deserves someone who actually knows her.

“Belly?” I shout whilst repeatedly knocking on her door until she opens it, “oh my god what Steven?” she stares at me a little annoyed but there’s no fire behind it. “ I umm kinda need a favour?” I say whilst staring at the ground, she looks at me suspiciously “what is it?“. I slowly start to enter her room despite her protests, “ I need you to teach me the party in the USA dance” I say quickly. At first, she just looks at me before bursting out into laughter “what so funny?” I grumble. Still laughing she says “why on earth do you want to learn that? You used to make fun of me and Taylor for it” I can see the realisation hitting her “ oh my god do you want to learn this dance for Taylor?”. Fidgeting with my shirt now I just nod my head and she practically squeals “ oh my goodness Steven who knew you were such a softie!” . “Will you teach me or not?” I am now pacing her room “ yeah of course this is going to be hilarious “.

Turn out dancing is not nearly as easy as it looks. The dance me and Taylor done last night was easier cause you pretty much just repeat the same steps, and it doesn’t require as much energy. Probably doesn’t help that Belly is a pretty mean teacher and whenever I mess up, she either shouts at me or laughs at me.

Eventually I reckon I have mastered the entire dance and flop onto Bellys bed whilst she comes to sit down beside me with a serious look on her face. “Steven?” she says still staring at me “please promise me that you won’t hurt her again because I don’t think she can handle that again”. I grab her hand “ I promise Belly, I know I hurt her, and I regret it, but I swear I will never do it again. We just smile at each other before she starts speaking again “I am really glad you came to Cousins cause I don’t think I could have done this without you” she looks at me sincerely before continuing “ I am also glad I got to spend some time with you today even if it is to help you get with my best friend and by the way I may be happy with you getting together but if I ever have to witness you kissing I will vomit”. We laugh and talk for awhile before I leave to get ready for tonight, continuously running through the dance in my head. I can’t mess tonight up.

( these are not my own characters, all created by Jenny Han )

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