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Tophias POV
I stared at my dads, papachus, car whilst we were loading everything into his tiny white van

We just got evicted out of our apartment, apartment chu, for not paying rent on time and for the bad conditions we left the apartment in. To be honest, I always thought that my mom or brother, mamachu and brotherchu, would just cover the rent as mamachu always did and brotherchu has a job

"Tophia get in the car!" My mom yelled at me.

I slowly made my way to my dads Honda civic. As soon as I sat down I instantly started to get yelled at by everyone

"Why would you go to comic con instead of paying rent huh!" My brother yelled at me

"ITS NOT MY FAULT" i bellowed at him

Everyone went silent.

"Don't yell tophia" my dad said before starting the engine and driving to our local motel 6

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