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Staring out into the expansive, unending snowy tundra, Rain was enveloped by a profound sorrow. The usual splendor of the icy landscape was dimmed by the gravity of his recent altercation with his beloved Abigail. His heart weighed heavy in his chest, the impact of their disagreement more devastating than the coldest winter chill. A unique bond had developed between Rain and Abigail, two young souls thrown together by the cruel hands of fate, left to fend for themselves in a world that seemed determined to break them.

Abigail's mother, Vanessa Crysteffor, had abandoned her when she was just a toddler. This tragedy left an indelible mark on Abigail's young heart, and it was this shared experience of loss that brought her closer to Rain. He too had tasted the bitter gall of parental loss, his own parents succumbing to the undead hordes that infested their once peaceful world. Both were just mere children when these traumas unfolded, their innocence replaced with hardened resilience.

The grief that Rain carried was not only due to his recent fight with Abigail, but also his inability to forgive himself for her untimely demise. It was a cruel irony of fate that Abigail, the one he had promised to protect, died by his own hand. Now the love they had shared only amplified the pain, a constant reminder of the unforgivable sin he had committed.

The solitary quiet of Rain's solitude was broken by the sound of a door unlocking. Azura, a steadfast companion in these trying times, stepped in. Her face was grim as she relayed the message, "Sir Patrick demands your presence at the meeting."

Rain understood the gravity of the situation. He had defied the established chain of command, launching a lone attack on the Nether fortress. A fortress known to be guarded by the notorious Nether princes and their legions, a place where Abigail herself once reigned. The chilling realization dawned upon Rain - it was his brash decision that led to the demise of the woman he loved.

Ignoring the throbbing pain in his stomach, Rain rose from his place. With each step, he mentally prepared himself for the confrontation with Sir Patrick. He knew there would be no escape from accountability this time.

(Notes: Thank you for joining me on this journey and for reading the first chapter of my book. My plan is to release at least one chapter per day, perhaps more if inspiration strikes. I would love to hear your thoughts, especially if there are any relationships or 'ships' you would like to see unfold in this tale. While future chapters may be longer, they will still remain focused on individual events or moments. Your continued readership is greatly appreciated.)

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