-Stalking. *CH2

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When I began my journey to find peace, I was determined. Now after 2 straight days of walking, running, crawling, and crying, I was on the verge of dying. It felt like my legs were gonna just pop right off. The only thing that kept me alive was coffee. Before all this, I had bought 15-20 cups of coffee. It started getting darker, so I started walking faster. It had already been about 30 minutes of running, and speed-walking.

I was about to give up when I saw it. I was amazed at how gorgeous the place was. There were trees that had cotton candy, well- it looks like cotton candy. The trees were scattered around the place! There were so many, I couldn't even see the other half of the forest! I quickly went down the hill I was on and decided to sleep under a tree near a river. I placed my things beside me as I got comfy under the tree. I tried sleeping, but I just couldn't. After tossing and turning, I was finally able to sleep.

Once I woke up, I was energetic, and I was so ready to read my books! Nah, Just kidding. All I wanted to do was fall asleep again and sleep the whole day. I took a cup of [iced or hot u pick] coffee and drank it.

 Until I heard someone talking and playing some instrument, which I'm guessing is a guitar. It was weird how someone else is here. There goes my peace and quiet. I hid behind a bush to find who or what was playing the sound.

 I looked up at a hill and saw a REALLY tall man playing the guitar with a few other animals, like some bears. But, they dont really look like bears.. That's odd, Eh.

As the lanky man played his guitar, the "bears" listened along, I also listened but just from a far distance. "This is the place!~" He said- more like sang, in a sing-song kinda voice. Then, he added "These Truffula trees are just what I neeeed! I'm gonna chop one down and make my Thneed~.." He sang while kneeling near a bear. I gasped quietly. Chop one down??? did I hear that correctly? why would he wanna chop one of Mother Nature's beauties?! I couldn't interfere, So I just listened.

"Buuuut first!" He said before throwing his guitar away, which almost hit a "bear"! I grumbled as I watched in annoyance. He started singing as some "bears" were watching. The tall man pointed over to them and said without a care in the world "Now, you!" The bears started dancing as they followed said man.

As they made their way down the hill, Mr. man started walking around them, singing in a silly, goofy way. I switched to different bushes just to move closer to them. Then, they stop near a tree, Mr. man started throwing some stuff out of his wagon while using a skimmer spoon as a microphone. "So now our friendship can begin, hand in hand, n' wing and fin!" he sang before throwing even more stuff out of his wagon. I watched in horror, knowing I couldn't do anything- Well, I can but just- Whatever. Stupid inner thoughts arguing with me. The bears stopped and somehow dodged everything that was thrown at them. Then, a shaver suddenly shaved off the stomach part of a "bear", thankfully, it was just the fur.

he continued singing as more and more animals were being tortured. I was so mad at how he was still singing while torturing the poor animals. Mean, evil, man. Then, when he turned back while yodeling, He saw how mad the animals were while a bigger "bear" just came back from dancing and singing. He stared at them while grinning awkwardly. "Hey guys... Come on-! Where's my backup chorus?" He asked while laughing nervously. And in a blink of an eye, they all growled and showed their paws at him in a defensive way, They were quite cute.

 "What?!" Mr. Man shouted. As the animals were inching closer, He pulled out bags of marshmallows as shields "Aha! oh.." he uttured. Just then, a "bear" jumped up and bit on the marshmallow bag. Mr. Man then let out a girly scream, and I giggled quietly.

The "bear" pulled away and thousands of marshmallows flew up in the sky. The animals' attention went from the man to the marshmallows in a millisecond. they started eating and playing with the marshmallows, and I saw Mr. Man's smile, like he was a proud dad.

 He put on gloves for gardening, then pulled out an axe. shit, I forgot about that part... All the animals attention was on the tall, lanky man. He went closer to a tree and started chopping it down, with ZERO HESITATION!! each hit on the tree, more and more animals hid, in bushes, climbing the trees, even the water.

 Once the tree fell, he smirked and looked back at the animals, or where they were supposed to be. "Hey, check it out guys, wa- uhm-.. Where did everybody go?" He looked around before shrugging and grabbing the WHOLE tree and the axe, all together! I wonder if that man can carry me.. what?- oh- get your head in the game, Y/N!!

 As he set down the tree went to go set his hut, house thing, It gave me the chance to switch to a bush near his hut/house thing. after only a few minutes, he went back to the tree and started taking the cotton candy leaves and placing it in some brown bag.

 He continued grabbing with his ass in the air. My god, can't this man properly bend down? His ass is staring at me. That's rude.

 He grabbed some more and started acting like a cheerleader, And when he came back to grab more, he saw it was being pulled? "Hey." some orange M&M appeared out of nowhere, making Mr. Man jump up and fall down with a scream and a yelp. He crawled away from orange M&M. And as they spoke for a while, the man perked up and said "I know what you want!" He booped the orange M&M's nose and then pulled out a marshmallow, saying "I've got one of these for the cutest wittle guy i evew saw!" he baby-talked the smaller one" "yummy, yummy, yummy.." he mumbled as he tried feeding the orange M&M.

 "How DARE YOU." the orange said in a demonic tone before grabbing it and saying "Well, I'm gonna eat this. But I'm highly offended by it." the orange creature spoke before throwing in the air and then eating it.

 He went over to Mr. Man's house and kicked out one of the stumps that was holding the house down. "Hey- What are you- wa- Hey, Mustache! Will you stop that?!" Mr. Man said before grabbing the stump that was kicked off and hammering it down with his wooden hammer. As they went around kicking off the stumps and hammering it down again, all I could think of was how fast the man was running and hammering down the stumps.

 I felt something snuggle up next to me, I look beside me to see a "bear" on my lap, smiling at me. I smiled back and started petting it as we watched the scene in front of us. Then suddenly, Mr. Man, or what the orange M&M called him "Beanpole", grabbed a "bear" and was about to hammer it down with the stump until the orange M&M interrupted "Woah, stop right there, Stop it!!"

 The tall man looked down and gasped as he let go of the bear and stood up. "So you would hammer one of nature's innocent creatures?!" The orange creature said before petting the bear and letting it go. "What? No! I would never hit this little guy!" The tall man exclaimed before adding "You, on the other hand, I WOULD GLADLY POUND YOU AND YOUR MUSTACHE-" I let out a giggle, then a teensy tiny laugh. He stopped talking and looked over my direction. Shit, Fuck, Uh shit. I am so fucking dead, what do I do?!

He walked over to the bush I was in and bent down, staring right at me. He leaned closer, and in a blink of an eye, I closed my eyes, punched his face, and he screamed whilst crawling away. "Oh, shit!- I am so sorry, I-.. Hey,, Your shorter than me!! Hah! That'll prove my siblings I am taller than someone!!" I exclaimed while spinning around and smiling, But that immediately changed when Mr. Man stood up properly, glaring down at me. I looked up at him as my smile faded away.

And it was only then I realized that I had given myself away. "...Shit."


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