Time Together

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(A/N: Yay! Another chapter! Don't mind the pic... it has nothing to to with the story.. only vampires 😈. Anyways, Enjoy!)

The bus ride to London had began to become very boring. Everyone on the bus was fidgeting in their seats, waiting for the bus to stop to they could stretch their legs. "Almost there, Olympic stars! Just another 5 minutes!" The bus driver called out to the groups. The whole bus yelled "yay" in unison. Everyone was busy chatting about what they were going to do when they got there. Everyone but the 2 hedgehog rivals. The azure and ebony hedgehog were sitting in the back seat, playing rock, paper, scissors. Shadow was on a winning streak, while Sonic was on a loosing streak. Every time the younger hedgehog lost, he would throw a little tantrum to his rival. "Hey no fair! You always beat me at this game!" Shadow just smirked at his younger counterpart. "Not my fault you suck at this game." The fastest thing Alive's face turned into a pout and a grumpy looking face. He crossed his arms and put them to his chest. He also slumped back into his seat out of frustration. Shadow chuckled quietly to himself. "One more time before we stop?" Sonic looked over to the darker hedgehog and couldn't say no. "Fine.." he turned and got ready to throw his move. "Rock, paper, scissors!" The ebony hedgehog threw rock, while the azure hedgehog threw paper. "Yes!! I finally won! Take that!" Sonic exclaimed and pointed a finger at the loser of the match. "Just one game. I won the last 47 times, faker. " Sonic remembered that Shadow had won the last 47 times, but he was still happy that he beat him at least once. Then, the bus came to a stop. "Alright! We're here!" Everyone was relived that the long 5 hour bus ride was finally over. "C'mon Shads! Let's go!" The blue blur grabbed his bag and walked towards the front of the bus. Shadow got up slowly and picked up his luggage. He thought about the nickname Sonic had given him. 'Shads... I like that... Wonder how long he had that bottled up inside him..' He chuckled to himself and walked out of the bus to meet up with his counterpart. Omochao flew out of the stadium doors to greet the happy teams. "Welcome to London! I'm your director, Omochao! The games will start tomorrow, so everyone has today to explore around London! You will be assigned hotel rooms tonight. Have fun!" Then, Omochao flew back into the stadium. Everyone then walked away in their own groups, to go explore and have fun. The only 2 that were left were Sonic and Shadow. "So Shads? What do yo-" The blue hero was interrupted by seeing a pink blur cling onto his arm. "Sonikku! Wanna come shopping with me? You can help me pick out dresses and tells which one I look the most beautiful in!" The pink hedgehog began to drag the blue blur along with her. "Woah Amy!" Sonic got loose of her grip after a little bit of struggle. "Maybe some other time. Right now, I wanna hang out with Shadow. Alright?" Sonic tried to sound reasonable so Amy would pull out her Piko Piko hammer and give them both a good goose egg before the big games. "....Alright Sonikku! See you later!" Then she skipped away merrily to meet up with her best friend, Cream the Rabbit. Sonic faced Shadow again with a smile on his face. "So, back to what I was about to say, what do you wanna do now?" Sonic walked up to his darker counterpart. "I don't know. Anything you wanna do is perfectly fine with me." Sonic smiled. "Okay!" The blue hero then grabbed the ebony hedgehogs wrist gently and started pulling him off in the direction that he wanted to go. Shadow didn't hesitate to follow at all. They began to enjoy their day together.
First, Sonic and Shadow went to the coffee shop down the block. They both stepped inside, taking in the sweet scent of vanilla lattes in the air. Little did they know, they both were holding hands and nobody noticed. Shadow was the first to notice, because he felt a little itch in his glove. As he went to scratch it, he noticed they were holding hands. He immediately pulled his hand away and his muzzle turned red. Sonic felt that Shadow moved away from him. "Shadow? Are you okay?" Sonic questioned the black hedgehog with rosy cheeks. "I-I'm fine..." Sonic nodded slowly and went back to looking at the menu to see what drink he wanted. After they ordered their drinks and paid, they went outside together. Shadow was sipping his French vanilla while Sonic was slowly savouring his ice Capp. They were both walking down the street, chatting as they went along and having a laugh every now and then. They were about 4 cm away from each other, their shoulders barely touching. The ebony hedgehog was looking at the beautifully decorated windows on display, while Sonic was looking at all the cars that passed by. While they were walking, Shadow noticed something that Sonic was doing that caught his attention. Every once in a while, he would feel Sonic's hand inch closer and closer towards his hand. He didn't move it, because he wanted to feel Sonic's hand holding his gently. The blue blue tried to do it carefully, without alerting Shadow, but little did he know, Shadow was already well aware. Eventually, Sonic managed to link hands with Shadow, which the ebony hedgehog loved every minute. Soon, they walked completely out of the city, onto a snow capped valley. The scenery was absolutely beautiful. Snowflakes falling towards the ground, so gently, it looked like they would melt before they got the chance to even make contact with the ground. "Look at this place Shads.... It's so beautiful...." The fastest thing alive spoke aloud to his darker counterpart. "Sure is Sonic.... Sure is...." 'but not as beautiful as you Sonic.' Shadow thought to himself as he began to feel his cheeks heat up. Sonic's eyes widened in shock. "You called me by my actual name... and not faker...." Shadow noticed that he did do that, so he tried to cover it up with another lie. "I...uh.... didn't think you'd mind.. since that is your name of course... Heh.." Sonic just rolled his eyes playfully and chuckled. Then, the 2 hedgehogs walked over to a cliff, which was staring off into the beautiful scenery in front of it. They both sat down beside each other and stared with complete silence. Then, The darker hedgehog decided to break the silence with a light conversation. "So... Sonic.... You know how you asked me when we were on the bus, if you missed anything?" The blue hedgehog looked at the ebony hedgehog. "Yeah, why?" Shadow decided to come clean about what he said in his sleep...... except he panicked and lied again. "Well, the only thing you missed was... uh... Amy falling out of the bus due to a sharp turn and everyone laughed at her.......?" Sonic chuckled. "Oh boy. Amy sure is crazy. She seriously thinks we're dating, but I don't even like her. I only like one person to be honest...." With that sentence, Shadow couldn't keep lying to the love of his life. "On the bus, you were talking in your sleep and you said that you loved me!" After the word "loved me" rolled of Shadows tongue, he covered his ears, afraid of Sonic's response. The blue heroes muzzle began to turn deep red. "Well....I.... Uh...." Shadow uncovered his ears and looked his counterpart. Sonic was about to speak but then he stopped and said something else. "Why don't I just show you my true feelings...." Suddenly, The blue hero pressed his lips against his darker counterparts lips. The darker hedgehog was stunned at first, but then he eased into the kiss, and kissed back passionately. They kissed for about 2 minutes, until they needed air. "S-Sonic... D-do you l-love me?" Shadow asked curiously because God knows, he was surely in love with him. "Of course I am. I am and have been since the moment we met at Station Square back at Chris' world. " Shadow smiled. "I love you too." They began leaning into each other again, preparing to kiss again. Until, that it, a feminine voice began echoing behind them. "Sonikku! Sonikku! Are you here?" Both hedgehogs panicked and spread apart faster then you could say flash. Amy appeared at the top of the hill, running to her self proclaimed boyfriend. "Sonikku! We have to go back to the hotel now! We are getting assigned rooms!" Sonic and Shadow looked at each other. "Alright. We're coming." Amy smiled and ran back towards the hotel. He looked at the darker hedgehog with a devilish smile. "Race?" "You're on." Then, both hedgehogs sped off towards the hotel. When they arrived, Omochao was just starting to read the assigned rooms. "Okay then, I've already done team Mario, now it's team Sonic! We have..... Tails and Knuckles, Chaotix get one room, Blaze and Amy, Silver and Eggman and Sonic and Shadow. You collect your room key as you go up. See you tomorrow!" Then, Omochao flew away. Everyone turned to Sonic and Shadow, knowing they were rivals, and that they had to share a room. Boy, was it going to be a loud night. Shadow and Sonic pretended to be angry with each other, to fool them that there wasn't anything going on between the two. "Aww Sonikku! We didn't get a room together! Oh well! I'll cheer you on tomorrow at the games!" Amy went with Blaze to their hotel room. After everyone had gone up, Sonic and Shadow were the last to collect their keys and go to their room. After they got in, they both let out a big sigh and smiles. "That was close... wasn't it?" "Sure was Shads." The azure hedgehog let out a stretch and a yawn. "I'm tired now...." Shadow smiled. "C'mon sleepy head, lets go to bed." They both climbed into bed and sat up for a minute. "Hey.. Shadow?" Shadow looked at his partner. "Yeah Sonic?" Sonic then kissed him on the lips. Shadow kissed back. Then they broke away. "I love you so much." Shadow smiled warmly at his lover. "I love you even more. Now, let's get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow." Sonic skilled and nuzzles into Shadows chest fur. Shadow and Sonic both purred quietly. Then, Sonic fell asleep within 5 minutes. Shadow was still awake, and he stared at his lover. "I love you so much Sonic.... Nothing with every hurt you, nor split us apart." Shadow then kissed Sonic and the forehead, making the azure hedgehog smile in his sleep. Soon afterwards, the ebony hedgehog fell asleep, and all that was heard were the faint sounds of breathing that echoed in the room.

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