Chapter 2

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~~~~~~~~ - Time skip
>>>>><<<<<- POV changes
:_:_:-Chapter starts
∆~∆- Author notes


When the Concert ended Luna and I bid the band goodbye and ran out the door when the others were waiting before they could say anything. Meeting outside the door both Luna and I stop in front of our little group, we bent over trying to catch our breath without needing to remove our helmets, "That was.....AWESOME!" Abbie began fangirling, "SHHHHH Shut it!" I growled at her not wanting to draw more attention on us than there already is. "Sooooo..... What was i-" Stacey began but was cut off when Luna and I made a break for it before they could be bombard us with questions "OH NONONO GET BACK HERE YOU TWO" Mike shouted as they began chasing after us.

Leaning against my bike with Luna against her car trying to catch our breath leaned over "Why did we ever quit running it would of come in handy now." I state finally standing up only to see a Ghoul standing in front of our vehicles. Panicking about if he heard my voice or not, Luna looked up after i went quiet and saw the Ghoul. Standing up she walked up to him, nodding in greeting he held out a piece of paper towards Luna. Curious about what's on it I stood up and walked over to the two, attempting to look over Luna's shoulder at the note that read 'Both of you please follow me' looking at the Ghoul with curiosity I was about to agree to follow him when Stacey, Abbie, Mike and Brandon finally showed up out of breath "" Mike said panting with the rest agreeing with him. Stacey was the first to look up spotting the Ghoul in front out Luna "Aether?....What's he doing here?" She asked us, taking the note from Luna I hand it to Stacey to let her read it, looking up at me I point and Luna and myself. Seeming to understand she leads the others towards Starbucks across the road. Looking back at Aether then at my bike with Luna looking at her car, both worried something might happen to them while we inside and so many people are around, seeming to sense our worry he hands me another note stating we can park them at the back entrance where we're supposed to go relieved I climb on my bike following Luna's car with her and Aether in towards the back.
Reaching the Back I can see their Bus, tech and the other members with more ghule, and.....MIST STAND WITH SISTER IMPERATOR?! Revving my bike in joy, with Luna revving her car, we ended up scaring everyone parking my bike hopping off while removing my guitar that's been on my back the whole time,"MIST" I shout running straight into Mist's open arms while Luna ran to Sister's arms, both holding us as we cried. We were finally with the two beings the knew who we truly are and that cared for us, a throat being cleared reminded me that others were around, refusing to let go I continued to hug Mist while looking at those watching me, seeing as Luna and Sister let go of each other, now noticing I was falling asleep Luna must of noticed cause she walked up to us and tapped Mist's shoulder pointing at me then proceeded to remove me from him, to tired to complain I just hug Luna letting sleep take over causing everything to go black.

"SHIT, SHADOW" I shout when she fell from my grip onto the floor, falling to her side I roll her onto her back seeing she fell face first, "Fuck.... Aether could you get the Bike helmet on my back seat and the med kit with it please, Sister I need everyone to turn around, she hates when people see her face" I ask, both doing as I asked. Some Ghouls did say that they can heal her, but knowing her past I said no and proceeded to tend to Denise, when done I carefully put her bike helmet on due to the other breaking from the fall. "Mist, we need to moved her to a more comfortable spot to rest." I informed him, said Ghoul walked to me and picked Denise up and began walking into their bus, looking at the rest who turned to face me again I signed knowing I'm going to need to introduce myself. "Sorry about that everyone, Hi my name is Luna some may know me as Delta, but you all can call me Phoenix, my friend is Denise, some may know her as Shadow, but y'all can call her Trouble and you will find out why that is at some point" I stated, "Oh almost forgot, this is Hades" I explained after spotting said Hellhound walking toward me from Satan knows where. Getting over their shock all of them introduced them selves

Spotting Mist walking out the bus and back over to us we began talking, with me slowly beginning to trust them, but knowing Denise won't be as forgiving as me.


Waking up I am met with my visor? *How do I have my bike helmet on I had my mask/helmet on?* I thought letting out a groan, *Luna must of swapped them.* I thought while reaching up to my helmet in pain only now feeling some type of material wrapped around my left horn, groaning again, "Bitch stop moving and groaning" I heard Luna say while wacking my arm, looking over at her to see her sitting on the floor next to the couch I'm on,"What ......what happened?"I groaned out still in pain trying to sit up,"you feel asleep due to your issue and well........well you broke your horn, that's why (A) you got the bandage, and as for (B) your bike helmet, the fall broke the other one and knocked you unconscious for 3 days so I put this one on knowing it's more comfortable to sleep with for you" She informed me while assisting me. Looking around I now notice everyone watching me. Growling at my old bandmates and the new ones, my eyes began to glow purple, Luna looked at me then at those in the room with us worry in her eyes "Shadow calm down, let them explain why they did what they did." Luna told me growling, as if challenging me to make a move. "What so they apologize and you forgive them, did you forget they abandoned us for centuries. We had no one NO ONE!"I argued, shouting near the end of my explanation growling in the direction of said ghouls that caused my pain. Moving in my way of them Luna begins growling at me in warning, her eyes glowing red. She walks backwards as I stand up both of us still holding eye contact and growling. "Give it a rest Shadow, time was different then you got to stop living in the fucking past" Luna growled out, "Did you forget, LIVING IN THE PAST HAS SAVED US DELTA. I CANT FUCKING TRUST PEOPLE BECAUSE OF THEM!" I screamed at her, "THEN ACCEPT WHAT HAPPENED, STOP ACTING LIKE A LITTLE BITCH AND GROW UP!" She retaliated, the curtains catching a light from the rage of the fire ghoulett, black smoke seeping around Denise and Luna from Denise's rage.
"FINE, IM LEAVING I HOPE THEIR GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU" Denise shouted, spinning on her heel and bolting out the door, the sound of her bike engine following after a few minutes. Leaving the room in silence for a period of time as everything set in for the remaining ones in the room.
"FUCK,....... What have I done......" Luna burst out falling to the floor crying for her sister figure to walk through the door apologizing, but sadly she never returned.

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Please notify me of any errors
and Go check out my best friend and thank her for helping me with this book Silencer_silentwave

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