Chapter 19

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Laura's Pov~did I just hear him ask me Omg he's so sweet he said all these sweet things to me Omg,okay to tell you the truth I love Ross too I've loved him since the first time we hung out....he makes me feel safe.
------------------------------------Laura:..........*looks at him then smiles 😄 and then kisses him 😍💏💋*

Ross:*shocked 😱 but kisses back 💏😍*

Laura:*pulls away and bites her lip*does that answer your question?

Ross:yes but I need a little bit more prof *leans in then Ryder begins to cry 😓*

Laura:sh, sh, sh

Ryder:*stops cryin and looks at Ross and puts his arms out for him to carry him*da-da

Ross:*eyes widen and then grabs him*omg you said da-da*kisses his forehead*

Ryder:*giggles 😆*

Laura:*chuckles 😜*aww

Ross:Ryder*points at Laura*ma-ma

Ryder:*giggles 😆*

Laura:*kisses 💋 his cheek*aww your so cute

Ross:*playing around with him*

Laura:*her phone starts ringing 📱 and picks it up*hello

Lino:Laura she's here

Laura:omg we're on our way*hangs up*Ross lets go

Raura,Ryder:*run 🏃 to the hospital,get there and go to Lola's room*

Laura:*sees the baby*omg she's so cute,can I hold her

Lola:sure*hands her to Laura*

Laura:*holds her*hi baby girl I'm your auntie,*looks up to Lola&Lino*what did you name her

Lola:Luna Marano

Laura:*smiles*I bet you look out the window and saw the moon so you named her Luna

Everyone:*laugh 😜*

Lola:*looks at her serious*but serious I actually did that

Laura:ha I knew it*gives Luna back to her*oh one more thing guess what


Laura:we're together

Ross:*comes behind her holding Ryder and puts one hand around her waist*

Lola:yayy,I knew it

Damien&Lino:*look at Ross*if you hurt her your dead 😵

Ross:*gulps*don't worry about that I will take good care of her and Ryder

Damien&Lino:you better

Laura:okay we have to go it's kinda late and Ryder has to go to bed


Raura:bye*leave to Ross's house then put Ryder in a bed and he goes to sleep then go to Ross's room and get in bed*

Ross:I love you 💛

Laura:I love you too ❤,goodnight *kisses him*

Ross:*kisses her back*goodnight 🌙🌌

Raura:*go to sleep*😴

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